1. Author
    1. R.A. Mashelkar
    2. Scientist
    3. President
      1. Global
      2. Research
      3. Alliance
    4. India
    5. Reads
  2. Message
    1. Getting
      1. More
    2. From
      1. Less
    3. For
      1. More
    4. Innovation
    5. Compassion
    6. Passion
    7. Affordability
      1. Extreme
    8. Cost
      1. Ultra
        1. Low
  3. Car
    1. Nano
    2. Cost
      1. Low
      2. 2000$
      3. Possible!
    3. Engeneers
      1. Start
        1. 5
      2. Age
        1. 37 avg
    4. Technology
      1. Helicopter
    5. History
      1. Model T
        1. 19 000 $
      2. Topic
      3. Topic
      4. Nano
        1. 2000 $
  4. Artificail leg
    1. Now
      1. 20 000 $
      2. Limited
        1. Roads
        2. Motion
    2. Achieved
      1. Jaipur
      2. 28 $
      3. Movement
        1. Free
        2. Video
  5. Business
    1. Value
      1. Money
        1. Have
      2. Many
        1. Care
        2. Have
          1. Not
          2. Less
        3. Need
  6. Drugs
    1. Now
      1. Expensive
      2. Less for more
      3. Develop
        1. 100 000 000 $
      4. Terms
        1. 15 yrs
    2. Achieved
      1. Breakthrough
      2. Man Mice Man
      3. Cheap
  7. .........
    1. Great talk
  8. What Drove?
    1. Kid
      1. Focal
      2. Lens
      3. Topic
    2. Focus
      1. Energy
      2. Achieve
    3. Team
      1. Unite