1. Armonia LLC
        1. Larry Lunt, Caroline MacGill
      2. Ceres Trust
      3. Schmidt Family Foundation
        1. 11th Hour Project
          1. Wendy Schmidt, Kevin Boyer
      4. TomKat Charitable Trust
        1. Kat Taylor, Erin Eisenberg
      5. Iroqois Valley Farms LLC
      6. Eco-Trust
        1. Climate smart planning tools
    2. MEDIA
      1. Civil Eats
        1. Adrien Schless-Meier
      2. Lexicon of Sustainability
        1. Douglas Gaeyton
      3. Kiss the Ground
      4. Huffington Post
        1. Green
          1. Barbara Streisand
      5. Symphony of the Soil
      6. TED Talks
        1. Dr. Mercola/ Judth Schwartz
        2. Allan Savory
      7. eOrganic
        1. Helen Atthowe
    3. FUNDERS
      1. Dixon Water Foundation
      2. Globetrotter Foundation
        1. Sallie Calhoun
      3. Noble Foundation
        1. Fields of Green
    4. AUTHORS
      1. Judith Schwartz
        1. Cows Save the Planet
      2. Nicolette Hahn Niman
        1. Defending Beef
      3. Allan Savory
        1. Holistic Management
      4. Courtney White
        1. Grass, Soil, Hope
      5. Vandana Shiva
        1. Soil Not Oil, and others
      6. Joel Salatin
        1. Folks, This Ain't Normal
      7. Paul Hawken
        1. Blessed Unrest, and others
      8. Kristin Ohlson
        1. The Soil Will Save Us
      9. Gary Nabhan
      10. Daphne Miller
        1. Farmacology
      1. Sustainable Food Systems Funders
      2. Greenhorns
      3. Carbon Underground
        1. Christine Jones, Tom Newmark, Larry Kopald
      4. Holistic Mgmt Intl
        1. Ian Mitchell Innes
        2. Gabe Brown
      5. ACRES USA
      6. Farm Foundation
        1. Soil Renaissance Strategic Plan
      7. Young Farmers Coalition
      8. Soil Food Web
        1. Elaine Ingham
      9. Bioneers
      10. Occidental Arts & Ecology
        1. Brock Dolman
        2. Dave Hensen
    1. Sustainable Food Trust (UK)
      1. Patrick Holden
    2. UK Soil Assoc.
      1. Take their SOIL quiz!
    3. Navdanya (India)
      1. Vandana Shiva
      2. Soil not Oil
    4. Center for Food Safety
      1. Cool Foods Campaign
        1. Diana Donlon
    5. Savory Institute
      1. Allan Savory, Jody Butterfield
    6. Aldo Leopold Foundation
    7. Land Stewardship Project
    8. Slow Money
    9. BALLE
      1. Michelle Long
    1. Ducks Unlimited
      1. Chevrolet Partnership for grasslands
    2. Quivira Coalition
      1. Courtney White
      2. Soil and Water Conservation Society
    3. Savory Institute
      1. Allan Savory
    1. Food Chain Workers Alliance
    2. Food & Water Watch
    3. Southern Foodways Alliance
    4. Center for Ecoliteracy
    5. Sustainable Food Trust
    6. ALBA
    7. Food Hubs
      1. Good Eggs
      2. CSAs
      3. Farmers' Markets
    8. Food Day.org
    9. Edible Schoolyard
    10. FoodTank
    11. The Perennial Plate
    12. Real Food Media Project
    13. National Farm to School Network
    1. Organic Farming Research Foundation
    2. Marin Carbon Project
      1. John Wick, John Creque
    3. Soil and Water Conservation Society
    4. Soil Carbon Coalition
      1. Peter Donovan. Abe Collins
      2. Soil Carbon Change Map
    5. Rodale Institute
      1. Richard Teague, Texas A&M
      2. David Johnson, NM State
      3. Peter Byck, AZ State
      4. Wendee Silver, UC Davis
      5. Rattan Lal, OSU
      6. Jill Clapperton
    7. OFRF
    8. Berkeley Food Institute
    9. Tufts University
      1. Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
        1. Adam Sacks
    10. Northeastern University
      1. National Soil Prpject
    11. Oregon State University
      1. eOrganic
        1. Helen Atthowe
    1. USDA
      1. NRSC
    2. Global Soil Partnership: 2015 Year of the Soil
      1. Soil Science Society of America
      2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
      3. Wordlwide List of Partners
    3. CAFF
    4. CalCAN
      1. Renata Brillinger
    5. American Grassfed Association
      1. Carrie Balkom
    6. Nat'l. Farmers Union
      1. George Davis (Calif. chapter)
    7. Grassfed Exchange
      1. 2015 Conference Sept. 16-18
    1. BN Ranch
      1. Bill and Nicolette Hahn Niman
    2. TomKat Ranch
      1. LeftCoast Grassfed
        1. Wendy Millet
    3. Paicines Ranch
      1. Paicines Ranch Grassfed Beef
        1. Sallie Calhoun, Kelly Mulville
    4. T.O. Cattle Co.
      1. Morris Grassfed
        1. Joe & Julie Morris
    5. Open Range Consulting/ Gregg Simonds
    6. Estancia Beef
      1. Bill Reed, J.P. Thieriot
    7. Country Natural Beef (formerly Oregon Country)
    8. cover crop seed companies ??
    9. compost producers ??
    10. Grasslands LLC
      1. Jim Howell, Tony Malmberg, Savory Institute
      2. Larry Lunt, Armonia
    11. Farmland LP
      1. BN Ranch, Vitality Farms
    12. White Oaks
      1. Will Harris
    13. Polyface Inc.
      1. Joel Salatin
    14. Belcampo Meat Company
      1. Anya Fernald
    15. Marin Sun Farms
      1. David Evans
    16. Soil Capital
    17. Pie Ranch
      1. Jared Lawson
    18. Singing Frogs Farm
      1. Paul & Elizabeth Kaiser