- socioeconomic (Philip and Johnson)
- demographic
- common genetic factors (Tsung)
- dysregulation of neural circuitory mediating drug reward and reinforcement (Chambers, 01)
vulnerability hypothesis
- Use of cannabis actually increases the risk of S
- predicts the risk of S should be higher in users
self medication hypothesis
- Pt with S take drugs to reduce S/S or ADR
- cannabis intox leads to brief psycho episode (mahters and godse)
- or recurrence of psychosis in people with history of psychosis
- IV THC exacerbates +ve s/s in pt and induces them in controls (D'Douza 2000)
- lllar in Fn network impaired by cannabis and those implicated in pathogenesis of S (leuber, todd, 99)
- cannabinoid agonists impair cog that are hallmark s/s of S (Emrich, 97)
- ? aetiological role in S
- Increase in CSF of S, independent of age, gender or Rx (Leweke, 99)
- Increase binding of CRA in DLPFC of S independent of recent use (Dean 01)
- Increases binding of CRA in cingulate cortex of S compared with controls (Zavitsanou)
- Sweedish Conscript Cohort (Andreasson, 87)
Other studies
- subjects with high vulnerability would report more perceived hostility, strange or unusual impressions (Amorin)
experience sampling (Verdoux, 03)
- acute effects of cannabis were modified by vulnerability of psychosis
- use before age 17 -- low % of cortical grey matter (Wilson, 2000)
Mathematecal modelling study
- - cannabis ppt psychosis in vulnerables - use is more likely in S - DID NOT SUPPORT CAUSAL LINK (dEGENHARDT 03)
SR & MA (Semple, Lawrie, McIntosh, 05)
case- contol studies (11)
- consistent unadj OR acoss all pop group studied NO BIAS, NO HETEROGENITY
MA of OR (7)
- SIMILAR fixed and random effects OR
6 case control Studies that rated psychotic S/s in users compared to non-useres
High risk pop
- did not find increased risk ; possible dose-response relationship
- POSSIBLE dose related effect
Prosp long study (Furguson, 03)
- Greater vuln to cannabis in early adolescence
- Floating Topic
initial evidence of asso of cannabis and psychosis (Bowers 01)
- case reports of cannabis preceeding schizohrenia
- psychosis in community survey of cannabis users
- obs studies of psychosis in cannabis users