1. General/ Other papers and articles
    1. UK
      1. RASE
        1. RASE state of the soils.pdf
      2. Defra
        1. Soil Action Plan
          1. Consultation
          2. First Soil Action Plan for England 2004-2006.pdf
        2. UK soil degradation.pdf
          1. Soils as carbon store
        3. Defra Audit of UK soil research.pdf
          1. Not useful
      3. Sustainable Food Guide
        1. Since 1980 12-15% carbon in soils is lost
      4. NFU
      5. Guardian
        1. Subtopic 1
      6. RuSource
        1. Soil Strategy for England.pdf
          1. Work to help the agricultural sector to reduce its emissions and to explore the impact of climate change on soils.
          2. Priority area 2: halting the decline of soil carbon
    2. NON-UK
      1. ISIS
      2. Grazing practices could boost CO2 trade
      3. State of the World 2009 (Worldwatch)
        1. state of the world farming chapter 3.pdf
          1. soil carbon sequestration
          2. Creating High carbon Cropping systems
          3. Perennial grains
          4. Agroforestry intercrops
          5. Tree Crop alternatives for food feed and fuel
          6. Increasing soil carbon
          7. Enhance soil nutrients through organic methods
          8. Minimize soil tillage
          9. Incorporate Biochar
          10. Promoting climate friendly livestock production
          11. Intensive rotational grazing
          12. Feed supplements to reduce methane emissions
          13. Biogas digesters for energy
          14. Protecting existing carbon stores in natural forests and grassland
          15. Reduce deforestation and land clearing
          16. Reduce uncontrolled forest and grassland burning
          17. manage conservation areas as carbon sinks
          18. Restoring vegetation in degraded areas
          19. Revegetate degraded watersheds and rangelands
          20. Re-establish forest and grassland cover in biological corridors
          21. Market incentives for climate friendly agriculture and land use
          22. eg sustainable food lab
          23. carbon emissions trading
          24. Public Policies to support the transition
          25. Taking action for climate friendly land use
  2. Scientific
    1. Ed Sears
      1. Ed Sears research on soil.pdf
        1. Thesis Derbyshire
          1. Findings
          2. treatments to sequester carbon !
          3. soil treatments described here produce a small change compared to overall soil carbon stocks (0.4-1%)
          4. and compared to the emissions from on-farm energy usage (c.5% according to King et al 2004)
          5. need to preserve existing SOC stocks
          6. Monitoring Soil C
          7. Stock change measurement methods
          8. Vegetation inventory
          9. Stemwood volume – forest inventory
          10. Total tree biomass – allometry
          11. Wood products – models of wood products
          12. Soil and litter
          13. Woody debris – volume and mass measured
          14. Litter-sampling and carbon analysis*
          15. Mineral soil-sampling and carbon analysis*
          16. Models
          17. To be used in combination with the above methods
          18. Flux measurement methods
          19. Chambers, eddy covariance – for scales < 1km2
          20. Tall towers, balloons for convective boundary layer budgeting – landscape, regional scale
          21. Flask measurements and flux measurements from aircraft
          22. Remote sensing to determine geographical extent and change
          23. Links to other research
          24. Powlson 2004
          25. Lal 2004
          26. Soil carbon data
          27. Bradley et al 2005, CTCD 2007
          28. In regard to spatial scale, global, EU and UK studies have been carried out (Smith 2004b, Smith et al 1997, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2008)
    2. King 2004
      1. King 2004 C sequestration change managment soils England.pdf
        1. 9 Mt C/yr seq potential from 10% management change
          1. Soil C only small part of this, most is reduced energy use and N2O emissions from fertilisers
    3. Guy Kirk - Cranfield
      1. 5_Kirky_SoilCarbon.pdf
        1. Estimated net annual soil C loss
          1. E&W
          2. 4.4 Mt
          3. UK
          4. 13 Mt
    4. Smith
      1. Enhancing the C sink in European Agri soils.pdf
        1. They include assessment of trace gases (N2O, CH4 etc)
          1. Manure management
          2. Reduction in fossil C
          3. Increase in soil C
          4. Increase in trace gas emissions
          5. Min Till
          6. Reduction in fossil C
          7. estimated to be 23.8 kg C ha−1 y−1
          8. Increase in soil C
          9. Increase in trace gas emissions
          10. straw incorporation
          11. Reduction in fossil C
          12. Increase in soil C
          13. Increase in trace gas emissions
          14. Incorporating all sewage sludge
          15. Reduction in fossil C
          16. Increase in soil C
          17. Increase in trace gas emissions
          18. Natural woodland regeneration
          19. Reduction in fossil C
          20. Increase in soil C
          21. Increase in trace gas emissions
          22. Bio-energy crop production
          23. Reduction in fossil C
          24. Increase in soil C
          25. Increase in trace gas emissions
      2. Smith et al 2000.pdf
        1. Revised estimates of the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land
        2. “The stock of soil organic carbon in UK arable land (0-30 cm) is estimated to be 562 Tg”
          1. SOC in 0-30 cm estimated to be:
          2. Scotland 104 t C ha
          3. England and Wales 81 t C ha
          4. Northern Ireland 74 t C ha
      3. carbon losses from soil and its consequences for land use mangement dawson smith.pdf
    5. Rattan Lal
      1. lal carbon management agri soils.pdf
        1. Most soils in agricultural ecosystems have lost 50 to 75% of their antecedent soil C pool, with the magnitude of loss ranging from 30 to 60 Mg C/ha.
      2. Lal - Farming Carbon 2007.pdf
        1. most agricultural soils have lost 25–75% of their antecedent pools
        2. On the global scale, world soils have lost 66 +/- 12 Pg C (Lal, 2004b), of which +/- 50 Pg can be sequestered over 40–50 years through adoption of RMPs (IPCC, 1995)
        3. Farming carbon through
          1. conservation tillage
          2. Residue mulching
          3. Cover Crops
        4. "The severe and widespread problem of soil degradation, and the attendant agrarian stagnation/deceleration, are caused by indiscriminate removal of crop residues"
    6. Jules Pretty
      1. Agroecological approaches to agricultural development.pdf
        1. 4.3 Effects on Carbon Balances
          1. A) increasing carbon sinks in soil organic matter and above-ground biomass;
          2. Min Till
          3. Mixed rotations and green manure
          4. • Adopt agroforestry in cropping systems to increase above-ground standing biomass
          5. • Minimise summer fallows and periods with no ground cover to maintain soil organic matter stocks
          6. soil conservation to minimise erosion
          7. Compost and manure application
          8. • Improve pasture/rangelands through grazing, vegetation and fire management
          9. • Cultivate perennial grasses (60-80% of biomass below ground) rather than annuals (20% below ground)
          10. • Restore and protect agricultural wetlands
          11. • Convert marginal agricultural land to woodlands to increase standing biomass of carbon
          12. B) avoiding carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions from farms by reducing direct and indirect energy use
          13. C) increasing renewable energy production from biomass
      2. Agricultural influences on carbon emissions and sequestration.pdf
        1. Min till will accumulate at least 0.3-0.6 tC/ha
        2. Increases more with rotation
        3. trees make sinks grow
    7. Rothamsted
      1. David Powlson
      2. Soil modelling research and RotC carbon model
  3. Statistics
    1. Agriculture in the UK
      1. DEFRA - land use tables - crops, pasture, arable, labour etc
  4. Grazing land research
    1. Follet, Kimble, Lal book: Potential of US grazing lands to sequester carbon
    2. Grassland generally considered to store more carbon than arable. not sure of quantities or diff grazin regimes
    3. MB Jones ! C seq in temperate grassland
      1. C seq in temperate grassland - management, climate and elevated CO2.pdf
        1. soil C and aggregates
          1. Issues
          2. Well proven that grassland can store carbon, but unclear upper limit
          3. conclusions
          4. Change from arable to grass can increase C by 30%
          5. Reverse - grass to arable can lose 60%
          6. management change can increase soil C
          7. Depleted soils have biggest potential for C storage
          8. intensive vs extensive
          9. Suggest for extensive adding fertiliser
          10. This would stimulate roots
          11. Going from ext, to int would do similar
          12. Growing pasture to create good root system would be helping C seq?
          13. Uncertainties in C seq are as big as the sequestration itself
          14. effect of climate change and elevated CO2
    4. Grazing and soil carbon along a gradient of Alberta rangelands
      1. Soil carbon correlated to clay content
      2. No difference in SOC with grazing regime
  5. Ecological Agriculture
    1. D Atkinson
  6. soil carbon data
    1. CEH
    2. Cranfield
      1. Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics
        1. Understanding soil processes and carbon fluxes
        2. Very technical
      2. National Soil Resources Institute
        1. This is the place to get soil maps and data (not just on carbon)