1. Carbon Farming often just means planting trees for carbon offsets
  2. Cell grazing
  3. Organisations doing it here
    1. DEFRA
    2. HDRA
    3. Soil Association
    4. Government considers low carbon farming award (jan 2009)
      1. Hilary Benn
    5. IGER
      1. Grassland research Centre in Aberystwyth
    6. Nuffield Carbon Farming Conference
      1. was in april 2008
        1. Speakers
          1. Chris Pollock (IGER)
          2. He is studying options for reducing the release of greenhouse gases in UK Farming, and will explain how this can be achieved
          3. David Hugill (Yorkshire farmer, NFU association)
          4. management of the uplands
          5. Jiggy Lloyd (consultant)
          6. Julian Morgan (7Y services)
          7. energy production from agriculture
          8. Compost production
          9. energy from waste
    7. Carbon Farming Events Organiser
      1. next event march 4 - Precision farming - Peterborough
    8. Forum for the Future
      1. Farming Futures
      2. Farming for carbon in the UK uplands
    9. Soil Management Initiative
      1. Empty website
      2. reference to them in DEFRA report
  4. Other Countries
    1. Australia
      1. Carbon Coalition
      2. Christine Jones
        1. Renewable soil
      3. Carbon Farming Conference
      4. Diary of a Carbon Farmer
        1. Also BBC 4 Radio program - save the soil, save the planet
    2. America
      1. Carbon Farmers of America
        1. Links to
          1. Allen Yeomans
          2. Priority One Together we can beat global warming book
          3. Chapter 5 - soil formation can halt ghg warming.pdf
          4. Chapter 8 How we can create fertile soil to halt global warming.pdf
          5. Yeoman Plough
          6. Abe Collins
          7. New Soil and No Grain- Planned Grazing on Cimarron Farm
          8. Prof. J. MacDonald-Holmes
          9. Michael Kiely
          10. Soils are the only short term solution to climate change
      2. Rodale
        1. 30 year soil analysis research
          1. Cover Crops
          2. Organic farming system compared with conventional
          3. Crop Rotation
          4. Composting
          5. 333 acre farm Pennsylvania
        2. Rodale_Regenerative Organic Farming.pdf
          1. Incredible role of Mycorrhizal Fungi
          2. Manure system better than legume
          3. Carbon Sequestration
          4. Literature base
        3. Timothy laSalle
      3. FAO
        1. support for Organic Farming to store carbon
          1. FAO conservation agriculture stores soil carbon (not hard science).pdf
        2. FAO Soil carbon sequestration for improved land management.pdf
          1. What to do
          2. Terraces/contour ridges
          3. Min Till
          4. All situation specific - no single solution
          5. Major focus of this report on tropical zones/ developing countries
          6. Theoretical basis
          7. Increase input
          8. Decrease output
          9. Temperature
          10. Erosion
          11. Water
          12. Wind
          13. Mineralisation
        3. FAO soil carbon sequestration in conservation agriculture.pdf
      4. California
        1. Topsoil and the Carbon Cycle: Soil Carbon Farming Test Plots in California Set to Expand
          1. Producing peat soil
    3. Italy
      1. Italy aims for carbon-neutral farm
        1. More renewable add ons than soil carbon sequestration
    4. Denmark
      1. Barritskov CO2 Plan
        1. The_Barritskov_CO2_plan.pdf
  5. Monitoring options
    1. Research Universities
      1. Reading?
      2. Essex?
    2. Software/ tools
      1. Keysoil (John Gaunt) Harpenden
    3. Combination of taking small samples + Carbon models
    4. online Carbon calculators for farmers
      1. CALM (Carbon Accounting for Land Managers) - UK
        1. Online tool for farmers to calculate carbon emissions
        2. maybe useful but we are working on a very specific new area
        3. definately have a look and recommend farmers to use it in general
      2. Carbon farming Group - New Zealand
      3. CPlan - UK
  6. Best Ways to store carbon
    1. Restoring peat land - not sure about potential CH4 or N2O release
  7. Key Outcomes for the Farmers
    1. • Improved farmer quality of life
    2. • Improved farm incomes
    3. • Reduced whole farm carbon footprint and increased carbon sequestration through increasing soil organic matter
    4. • Strengthened local resilience and regional food economy
    5. • Increased on-farm biodiversity
    6. • Equal or increased yields per unit area
    7. • Increased water holding capacity (soil, land storage etc) and reduced contribution to local flooding
    8. • Reduced requirement for external inputs (agro-chemicals, fuel, water)
  8. Carbon Trading Mechanisms
    1. CCX
      1. Possible for trading in America, not Europe
    2. VCR
      1. Maybe America, not Europe
    3. CDM
      1. Only if we apply it in Annex II countries
    4. JI
      1. Possibly, don't know of existing methodologies
    5. We don't really want to get into this