1. Q1
  2. User logs onto site
    1. Show basic user info
      1. Q3
    2. Resume previous Discovery session
      1. Q4
      2. Access stateful data
        1. Q13
      3. Access data viz objects
        1. Q14
      4. Access code to generate data viz
        1. Q15
    3. View user's personal/starred datasets
      1. Q5
    4. View user's reports/findings
      1. Q6
  3. Show homepage with product features
    1. Discovery --- Explore CP datasets
      1. Q7
      2. Explore air pollution
        1. Scale
          1. Continental
          2. National
          3. State
          4. Province
          5. Town
        2. Interaction
          1. Geography search bar
          2. Geography drop down menues
          3. Group By/Aggregate
          4. Filter (Slider)
          5. Continuous pollution attributes
          6. Filter (Slider)
          7. Temporal Filtering
          8. Calendar
          9. Text Input
          10. Click point on map
          11. FInd nearest
          12. Drag a box on the map
          13. Filter within
          14. Draw a polygon
          15. Filter within
    2. Download data From catalog
      1. Q8
    3. Upload a dataset
      1. Q9
    4. Write a report
      1. Q10
      2. Save Draft
        1. Q11
      3. Publish findings
        1. Q12
  4. Q2
  5. Access Patterns
    1. Q1
      1. Find a user with a specified email
    2. Q2
      1. Find urls that link to CP product feature pages
    3. Q3
      1. Find a user with a specified ID
    4. Q4
      1. Find a Discovery Session with a specified ID
    5. Q5
      1. Lookup and find datasets with specified IDs from a user's data archive table.
    6. Q6
      1. Lookup and find user generated reports with specified IDs
    7. Q7
      1. Access the discovery dashboard with a blank state global view
    8. Q8
      1. Find a raw dataset with a specifice ID
    9. Q9
      1. Insert a new dataset into the datsets table with a specific ID and description
    10. Q10
      1. Access the report writer app with a blank state
    11. Q11
      1. Find a stateful report with a specific ID
    12. Q12
      1. Insert a report with a specific ID into the Published Reports table
    13. Q13
      1. Find stateful datasets with specific IDs that are tied to a discovery session with an ID
    14. Q14
      1. Find stateful data viz objects with specific IDs tied to a discovery session with an ID
    15. Q15
      1. Find viz generation scripts with specific IDS tied to a discovery session with an ID