1. User Stories
    1. Open Ended Geographic/Data exploration
      1. Plotly Dashboards
      2. CartoDB
      3. Querying/Filtering/Aggregating
      4. Saving/sharing/downloading results
      5. Exploring patterns/segments (spectral clustering)
    2. Download data from catalog
      1. Types
        1. CSV
        2. Geojson
      2. Databases
        1. Cassandra
        2. PostGIS
        3. Redshift
    3. Upload/submit data to catalog
      1. Types
        1. Google Form
        2. CSV
        3. Geojson
        4. Facebook Survey
      2. Databases
        1. Cassandra
        2. PostGIS
        3. Redshift
      3. Tagging/Association
        1. Georeferencing
        2. Place/name/organization/entity tagging
    4. Submit an analysis/story
      1. blog post
      2. reproducible "discover"/"analysis" process
      3. csv
      4. google form
      5. ipython notebook
  2. Data Assets
    1. Plume Labs: Air Quality
    2. Waze: Road Conditions
    3. Facebook integration for forms
    4. Planet: Satellite Imagery
    5. Crimson Hexagon: Social Media
  3. Data Science Functions
    1. describe
      1. Hook Cameron up with CartoDB
    2. discover
      1. Segmentation/Clustering
      2. Curating Descriptors
    3. predict
      1. who needs electricity
        1. where is does the grid exist now
        2. what types of power people use
      2. overall development potential
        1. solar feasibility
          1. digital elevation model
          2. climate component
          3. sun angle simulation
        2. roads
          1. miles covered
        3. where is the grid going
      3. ability to pay
        1. cell phone access
        2. population
        3. livelihood
        4. capital/assets
          1. buildings
          2. vehicles
    4. advise
      1. Solutions/Key take away page
    5. PCA