1. It's Pretty
    1. art for art's sake
    2. why are there no carnivores at the front?
    3. why are there ritual offerings?
    4. Magic? Ritual?
  2. Sympathetic Magic
    1. like brings like
    2. reciprocal representation
    3. but the most common hunted animal "reindeer" are rarely depicted in paintings
  3. Storytelling/initation rituals?
    1. most handprints are children, adolescent males, and adult females. Footprints
  4. Shamanism (controversial term)
    1. intermediateries to the spirit world
    2. trance states?
    3. deep vision quests?
  5. Social Identity?
    1. regular meeting places are important to hunter gatherers
  6. Humans
    1. there are really onle one human depiction the human dressed or masked as an animal