1. 5 major P of LA
    1. 1. Practicality
    2. 2. Reliablity
    3. 3. Validity
    4. 4. Authenticity
    5. 5. Washback
  2. 1. Practicality
    1. Administrative issues
      1. making, giving, and scoring an assessment instrument
      2. cost
      3. Time
        1. to construct
        2. to administer
      4. ease of scoring
      5. ease of interpreting/reporting the results
  3. 2. Reliability
    1. Consistent & dependable
    2. Students
      1. anxiety, physical or psychological factors
        1. test-taker's test-wiseness
    3. scoring
      1. Rater reliability
        1. human error, subjectivity, bias
          1. lack of scoring criteria
          2. inexperience
          3. preconceived biases
        2. Inter-rater R
        3. Intra-rater R
    4. test administration
      1. Sounds,Chairs, Desks, light
    5. test itself
      1. Measurement errors.
        1. Eg: MCQ ==> items, distractors
  4. 3. Validity
    1. Gronlund (1998)
    2. Samuel Messick (1989)
    3. A Valid Test
    4. 4 types
      1. 1. Content-Related Evidence
        1. Direct setting
        2. Indirect setting
      2. 2. Criterion-Related Evidence
        1. Specific Classroom Objectives
        2. 2 Types
          1. 1. Concurrent Validity
          2. 2. Predictive Validity
      3. 3. Construct-Related Evidence
        1. involves Theoretical construct
      4. 4. Consequential validity (impact)
        1. 1, Micro Level
          1. the effect on society and educational systems
        2. 2. Macro Level
          1. the effect of on individual Test-takers
      5. 5. Face Validity
        1. students view the assessment as fair, relevant and useful for improving learning
        2. Mousavi, 2009
        3. Teachers can increase student's perception of fair tests
        4. psychological State of the learners
          1. Confidence, Anxiety
  5. 4. Authenticity
    1. Bachman & Palmer 1996
    2. to stimulate real-world tasks
    3. An authentic test
  6. 5. Washback
    1. The effect of testing on teaching and learning
    2. A test that provides beneficial Washback
    3. Effects
      1. Positive
        1. Teachers' Feedback: to diagnoses of strengths and weaknesses
        2. intrinsic motivation, autonomy, self-confidence, language ego, interlanguage, and strategic investment
      2. Negative