1. HIE: Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalapathy Neonatal Asphyxia
    1. Evidence of acute/subacute brain injury due to systemic hypoxemia or reduced cerebral blood flow 1/2 die, 1/2 neurological damage TX Assess, Hypothermic treatment
  2. PIVH
    1. Periventricular-Intraventricular Hemorrhage (PIVH), brain bleed, preterm, fragile blood vessels, 1st 72 hrs, seizures, lethargy, weak cry, hypotonia, Tx Correct anemia, hypotension, high pitched cry.
  3. NEC
    1. Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Preterm usually, Inflammatory bowels d/t bacteria, causes ishcemia of bowel, necrosis, 3-12 days after birth, d/t hypoxia, formulat feed during stress, S&S feed intolerance, abd distention, bloody stools, lethargy, temp instability, oliguria, thrombocytopenia...TX: XR, AB, IV, TPN, surgery, poor outcomes, RDS
  4. Congenital High Risk NB conditions
    1. Congenital at birth; Structural, functional, metabolic, NTD,Downs, Heart, GI, etc...
  5. Neonatal Sepsis
    1. Bacteremia immune systems are immature and slow to react, and they have a poorly developed skin barrier. Bacterial infections of the newborn remain a major cause of illness and death in the neonatal period. The mortality rate from newborn sepsis may be as high as 50% if untreated. S&S temp instability, hypotension, tachypnea, hypoglycemia, pallor, apneia, cyanosis, lethargy, petechae, jaundice, poor feed.
  6. RDS
    1. Lack of surfactant, Decreased O2,=Vasoconstriction pulm vasc, Dec L/S, "ground glass lung tissue" lungs immature TX: surfactant, AB,IVF, IV feeds, Cluster care, vasopressin, BGM
  7. Mec Aspiration
    1. Inhaled Meconium d/t hypoxia in utero, stress, S&S cyanosis, atelectasis, suction view cords, lower O2 demand, NTE
  8. (SUD) Maternal Substance Abuse
    1. Fetal growth restriction, prematurity, neurobehavioral and neurophysiologic dysfunction, birth defects, infections, and long-term developmental sequelae. All substances varied FX, NAS (WITHDRAW acronym) scale, watch WD, FAS...know
  9. TTN
    1. Self-limiting, slow in clearing fluid out of lugs. Mild resp distress resolves 72 hrs,tachypnea, adventisious lung sounds, NTE, O2,IVF,
  10. Hyperbilirubinemia
    1. Overproduction bilirubin, end product of hb breakdown, imbalance between rate of bili production and elimination, poor BF, physiological, high levels (kernicterus) brain damage. Pathological, ithin the first 24 hours of life when total bilirubin levels increase by more than 5 mg/dL/day and the total serum bilirubin level is higher than 20 mg/dL in a full-term infant. TX Inc feeds, lights, excreted through stool and skin monit levels, color
  11. PPHN
    1. Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn: R to L shunt hypoxemia, Tacypnea 1st 12 hrs, pulmonary HTN WATCH BP!! O2 support, meds, cluster care, NTE
  12. IDM Infants FX
    1. Preterm, low L/S, RDS, Macrosomic, Injury, hyperbilirubinemia, BGM hypoglycemic, Congenital FX, Polycythemia (hyperviscous blood, dec O2 perfusion heart works harder) cardiomyopathy
  13. Birth Injuries
    1. Trauma, Macro, SGA, CPD,, fractures, cephalahematoma....