- Use of Spots
- Can be up to 5 per family
- Gain bonus to account strength, see below
- Nominated by top 3 - increase limit to 8
- Capos can now recruit others to the family (issue invites) - See Recruitment
- Introduce Regime worth that only top 3 can see - shows which capos are working with their members best
- Account strength increases slighty, less effective than top 3 or hammer
- Capodecina rank still exists with Capomoney and rank progress to promote
Family Progression
- Keep system of ranking the family to unlock things - see Unlockables
- Busters
- Bodyguards and Protection
- The KA
- Sits in channel where all new irc users are taken (ie #omerta)
- PM's mibbit users, explaining its purpose (to assist) and offer series of questions to guide a new user to various channels
- Offers constructive advice or directs players to places of interest (heist channels, raid, oc's) or links to admins
Ingame Noticies
- Offer new people suggestions for their account, ie on rebirth a message that says if they can train Joe to level X he may reveal who shot their prior account
- Add helpful suggestions to the notice bar, such as "Need money? Lex could be your man"
Specialised Channels
- Recruit channel with a person from each family who decides to participate to recruit new players
- Channel designed to teach players the game, perhaps staffed by Usergroup or volunteers
- Post hints to an account name, first one to decipher the clues, find and shoot this account gets prizes
- Let the family train itself in skills. Have mock wars between members where they "shoot" each other without damage being done (only calculated) and KS being added
- Family challenges can only happen at various times, and cost large sums of money to hold
- Bar
Bribing bartender for Information
- Feds are targetting X type of car, safehouse them
- Feds are close to catching you, lay low for a while
- There is a shortage of booze or narcs in X city for Y amount of time. Prices are higher/lower
New type of attack
- Can attack an offline targets protection
- Can be used once per 24 hrs (time taken to rebuy wall/pr/villa)
- Non-anonymous attack - victim is offline, prevents attack being used at random
- Attack requires lots of money, Approx $7.5m
- Damage done depends on bust skill. 100% = Villa/PR/Wall Destroyed
Nominated by family
- Can be more than 1, say max of 5
- Do not contribute to devaluation of family worth
- Gain effective chance of a bust in home city/ villa city
Top 3
- Slight bonus in account strength
- Only people able to nominate busters or capos
- Once in top 3 of a family, account will die in that family - no family changes!
Account Strength
- Gain bonus to attack & defence skills
- Bonuses only received after 24hrs as Hammer
- Bonuses are tiered - Lvl 1 after 24hrs, Lvl 2 after 48hrs, Lvl 3 after 5 days, Lvl 4 after a week
- Being demoted from hammer resets account strength bonuses
- IMPORTANT: Hammer is stronger than Capo - however there is no bonus rank for being hammer
Family Worth
- All ranks below a certain rank (ie Mobster or Soldier) devalue the family worth
- Busters are exempt from this devaluation
- People under the mentoring of a capo do not count to fam worth
- Still have upgrades available for HQ size, Crusher size, Capo Spots, Business Spots, Bulletfactories
- Let family choose which upgrades they wish to take at each rank
- New Max level (with 8 capos & 5 hammer spots) is theoretically 37
- Limit the maximum rank of families to 30 - make them choose what the family has
Mentoring (Trial) System
- All families to recruit anyone within 48hr period of beginning
- Following this, all people must have a capo of the family set as mentor, the capo can then in effect "trial" people for their family
- Mentors can be set every 24hrs, however to gain entry to a family, atleast 3 days must be spent under guidance of a capo before invite can be sent
- Capos do not gain knowledge of an account that count benefit them in a war - only about the person, ontimes, rank speed, ability and knowledge of the game
- Emphasise the NEED for IRC to new players
Other abilities
- Lex, as master criminal can have access to inside info about families, feds, or events (See challenges or Bartender info)
- Ray provides a better chance of beating protection when trained on special
Account Uniqueness
- Must keep the ability to train bodyguards. It allows every player to stamp their unique footprint on the game
Killing Skill
- Can ONLY be gained by killing. Keep shooting the bottle out of the game.
- KS is used to balance out the RP part of the KA. A high rp with low ks can still be killed outright by low rp but high ks account
- Will be gained for kills +/- 2 levels of the shooters rank. To become really effective in the KA, KS must be rather high - ie lots of kills and a purpose built account
Rank Progress
- It is important that RP still is a defining factor in the KA, so 0% brug cannot kill 1000% unless KS is hugely different
- It should be made so most accounts can be killed with 1 shot, unless the account is strong and worth of surviving a single shot
- No account should be invincible, similarly, dying everytime you are shot is a drag too. Must be a balance somewhere
- Perhaps the ability to aquire old cars here during a raid
- Game Structure
- Family Structure
- Recruitment
- Keeping New Players