Section 1:Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers
- Set Model
- Number Line Model
- Whole Number Addition Properties
Mastering Basic Addition Facts
- Counting On
- Doubles
- Making 10
- Counting Back
Subtraction of Whole Numbers
- Take-away Model
- Missing Addend Model
- Comparison Model
- Number- Line Model
- Properties of Subtraction
- Introductory Algebra Using Whole-Number Addition and Subtraction
Section 2: Algorithms for Whole Number Addition and Subtraction
- Standard Algorithm and Expanded Version
- Left to Right Algorithm
- Lattice Algorithm
- Scratch Algorithm
- Subtraction Algorithms
- Equal-Additions Algorithm
Section 3: Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
- Repeated Addition Model
- Properties of Whole Number Multiplication
- Division of whole numbers
- Division algorithm
- Order of Operations
Section 4: Algorithms for Whole-Number Multiplication and Division
- Cont.
- Section 5: Mental Mathematics and Estimation for Whole-Number Operations