1. high performing team has positive synergy
    1. sense of common perpose
    2. willing to achieve project objectives
    3. identify individual talents
    4. energy goes to solve problem
    5. encourage risk taking and creatively
    6. high potential standard
  2. five stage team development model
    1. forming
      1. member get acquainted each other
      2. understanding project scope
      3. respect each other and projects
    2. storming
      1. high degree of conflict
      2. who will take leadership and how to make decision
      3. after that member accept leader
    3. norming
      1. make close relationship
      2. share responsibility
      3. identify how member should work
    4. performing
      1. how member work each other to accomplish
    5. adjourning
      1. prepare for own disbandment
  3. situation factors affecting team development
    1. high performance group tend to be
      1. 10 or fewer member
      2. member serve on project form begin to end
      3. member assign ptoject in full time
      4. member report sorely to manager
      5. project involve a compelling objectives
      6. member are located in close
  4. building high performance team
    1. role of manager
      1. recruiting member
      2. conducting meeting
      3. establish team identity
    2. recruiting member
      1. consider organisation future
        1. select whoever needed for project
      2. manager ask from other area to join the project
      3. functional manager
      4. necessary experience, knowledge, technical skill
    3. member should have
      1. problem solving ability
      2. availability
      3. technological experience
      4. credibility
      5. political connection
      6. ambition,initiative and energy
  5. conducting project meeting
    1. kick off meeting
      1. provide overview of projects
        1. general schedule
        2. procedure
        3. method
      2. capture interpersonal concern
        1. who are other team member
        2. how will i fit in
      3. show model how team work
    2. ground rule
      1. normative issues, organisation
        1. define
          1. how to make planning decision
          2. taracking decision
          3. managing change decision
          4. relationships decision
      2. making check list or flow chart
    3. other meeting
      1. repot meeting
      2. status report meeting
      3. problem solving meeting
      4. something that need to be made sure
        1. every member is attend
        2. contribute agenda before meeting
        3. identify adjournment time
        4. taking record
        5. summarise decision
    4. establish team identity
      1. team meeting should be done in co-location
      2. team name
      3. team rituals
    5. creating shared vision
      1. have common sense
        1. project goal
        2. what should be done
        3. staring and end date
        4. objectives
        5. quality
      2. after creating vision, how to implement it
  6. managing project rewarding system
    1. member has chance
      1. learn new skill
      2. break out department cocoon
    2. cash reward
      1. vacation reward
  7. facilitating decision making
    1. problem identification
      1. ask open question
      2. make it clear the gap between plan and current status
    2. generating alternative
      1. list up alternative solution
    3. reaching decision
      1. evaluating ideas
      2. compare with each ides
        1. time ,cost
    4. follow up
      1. evaluate effectiveness
      2. how is going on
  8. functioonal conflict
    1. manager need to have listening skill for disagree opinion
    2. avoid to make yesman
    3. mediate the conflict
      1. try to negotiate by using negotiation, suggestion
      2. find common point
    4. arbitrate the conflict
      1. impose solution
      2. seek other solutioon
    5. control conflict
      1. introduce over difference or interjecting humor
    6. accept it
    7. eliminate conflict
      1. remove member
  9. rejuvenating projectteam
    1. swing into action to realign
      1. devoted to iproving the work process
      2. external consultant
      3. dis
        1. discuss alternative action
  10. managing project team
    1. member will be better in same time zone and location
    2. case of virtual meeting
      1. may be lack of trust and communication
      2. manager exchange personal information
      3. assign clear roles
      4. keep and inform how project going on to member
      5. dont let member vanish
      6. establish vlear norma
      7. share the pain
        1. dont require everyone confirm your time zone