1. The Finch Immediate Family
    1. Atticus
      1. Atticus.doc
    2. Jem
      1. Jem.doc
    3. Scout
      1. Scout.doc
    4. Calpurnia
      1. Calpurnia.doc
      2. Zeebo
        1. Zeebo.doc
  2. The Finch Extended Family
    1. Simon Finch
      1. Simon Finch.doc
    2. Alexandra
      1. Alexandra.doc
      2. Uncle Jimmy
        1. Uncle Jimmy.doc
      3. Francis Hancock
        1. Francis Hancock.doc
    3. John/Jack
      1. Jack Finch.doc
  3. Neighbors
    1. Miss Maudie
      1. Ms Maudie.doc
    2. Mrs. Dubose
      1. Mrs Dubose.doc
    3. Ms. Stephanie Crawford
      1. Ms Stephanie.doc
    4. Ms. Rachel
      1. Ms Rachel.doc
    5. Mr. Avery
      1. Mr Avery.doc
  4. Radleys
    1. Arthur
      1. Arthur Radley.doc
    2. Mr. Radley
      1. Mr Radley.doc
    3. Mrs. Radley
      1. Mrs Radley.doc
    4. Nathan Radley
      1. Nathan Radley.doc
  5. School
    1. Ms. Caroline
      1. Ms. Caroline.doc
    2. Ms. Blount
      1. Ms. Blount.doc
    3. Burris Ewell
      1. Burris.doc
    4. Walter Cunningham
      1. Walter.doc
    5. Little Chuck Little
      1. Chuck.doc
  6. Animals
    1. Rose Alymer
      1. Rose Alymer.doc
    2. Tim Johnson
      1. Tim Johnson.doc
  7. The Robinsons
    1. Tom
      1. Tom Robinson.doc
    2. Helen
      1. Helen Robinson.doc
  8. Community Leaders
    1. Heck Tate
      1. Heck Tate.doc
    2. Judge John Taylor
      1. Judge Taylor.doc
  9. The Ewells
    1. Burris Ewell
      1. Burris.doc
    2. Mayella Ewell
      1. Maywlla Ewell.doc
    3. Bob Ewell
      1. Bob Ewell.doc
  10. African American Community
    1. Lulu
      1. Lulu.doc
    2. Reverend Sykes
      1. Reverend Sykes.doc
  11. Missionary Circle