1. Fossil fuels
    1. types
      1. crude oil
        1. millions of years ago
        2. animals
          1. pressed under rock
        3. trapped in impermeable rock layers
      2. natural gas
        1. trapped above crude oil
      3. coal
        1. convert to coke
          1. remove chemicals
    2. limited supply
      1. finite
      2. non-renewable
      3. extremely valuable
        1. use efficiently
  2. Fractional Distillation
    1. separates fractions
    2. Middle East Oils
    3. LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gases
      1. 3%
    4. gasoline
      1. 13%
    5. naphtha
      1. 9%
    6. kerosene
      1. 12%
    7. diesel
      1. 14%
    8. heavy oils and bitumen
      1. 49%
    9. fractionating column
    10. vapour rises
      1. condense at different points
      2. top
        1. light coloured
        2. runny liquid
      3. bottom
        1. dark
        2. treacle like
        3. viscous
    11. How it works
    12. see "oil" mindmap
  3. Fractional Distillation (how it works)
    1. different boiling points
      1. hydrocarbon molecules (C & H)
        1. Heptane C7H16
        2. octane C8H18
      2. intermolecular forces to be broken
        1. between molecules
        2. longer molecule
          1. larger interm' force
          2. higher boiling point
          3. difficult to light
          4. yellow smokey flame
        3. smaller molecule
          1. more volatile
          2. smell petrol easy
          3. burn easy
          4. bluer flame less smoke
  4. Cracking
    1. break large molecules to smaller molecules
      1. high temperature
      2. catalyst
      3. decane (C10H22) ---> butane (C4H10) + propene (2C3H6)
      4. NB isomers of propene
  5. Reforming
    1. straight chain molecule
      1. broken
        1. re-joined
          1. branched-chain molecules
    2. octane C8H18
      1. 2-methyheptane
      2. 2,2-dimethylhexane
      3. 2-methyl 3ethylpentane
      4. 2,3,4 - trimethylpantane
        1. CH3CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH(CH3)CH3
    3. make high grade petrol
      1. straight chain molecules
        1. catch fire more easily than branch chained
      2. high grade petrol
        1. branch chained molecule
      3. needs to burn at right temperature
    4. fuel, combustion and engine performance
      1. follow link
  6. Combustion of Fuels
    1. hydrocarbon oxidised
      1. hydrocarbon + oxygen ---> carbon dioxide + water
    2. complete combustion
      1. CH4(g) + 2O2(g) ---> CO2(g) + 2H2)(l)
      2. blue flame
    3. incomplete combustion
      1. yellow flame
      2. 2CH4 (methane) + O2 (g) ---> 2CO (g) (carbon monoxide) + H2O
        1. carbonmonoxide
          1. poisonous
          2. attach to maemoglobin
          3. prevent O2 attaching
          4. kills brain cells
      3. CH4 (g) + O2 (g) ---> C (s) + 2H2O (l)
        1. soot
        2. reduces efficiency of engine
    4. oxidation
      1. gain of oxygen (OIL RIG)
      2. loss of hydrogen
      3. loss of electrons
  7. Problems
    1. transport
      1. ship
      2. oil spill
        1. environmental damage
        2. birds & sea life
        3. prevents evaporation
          1. effects water cycle
        4. hydrocarbons
          1. released into the air
    2. burning
      1. global warming
        1. carbon dioxide
        2. water
        3. nitrogen dioxide
    3. unburnt hydrocarbons
      1. small amounts from engines
        1. smog
    4. hydrocarbon reactions stimulated by UV light
      1. reacts with ozone
        1. thins the ozone layer
          1. more light to earth
          2. increased skin cancer
          3. reduction of productivity of some crops