1. Metallic Bonding
    1. giant structures
    2. high melting points
    3. high boiling points
  2. electrons
    1. one or more
      1. given up
    2. cations
    3. +ve ions
    4. sea of electrons around positive ions
      1. free to move
      2. conduct electricity
      3. delocalised electrons
        1. not fixed to one spot
    5. attracted to positive ions
      1. holds structure together
  3. properties
    1. shiny
    2. bonds
      1. strong
        1. not as strong as diamond
        2. ions move around
          1. hammered
          2. worked
        3. malleable
          1. hammer into sheet
        4. ductile
          1. drawn into wire
    3. good conductors
      1. electricity
        1. electrons free to move
      2. heat