- Preface
Studying God
What is Theology?
- The Nature of Religion
- The Definition of Theology
Locating (Systematic) Theology on the Theological Map
- Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology
- Systematic Theology and Historical Theology
- Systematic Theology and Philosophical Theology
- The Need for Theology
- The Starting Point of Theology
- Theology as Science
- Why the Bible?
Theology and Philosophy
- Types of Relationships Between Theology and Philosophy
Some Twentieth-Century Philosophies
- Pragmatism
- Existentialism
- Analytical Philosophy
- Process Philosophy
- Theology's Use of Philosophy
The Method of Theology
- The Theological Scene Today
The Process of Doing Theology
- Collection of the Biblical Materials
- Unification of the Biblical Materials
- Analysis of the Meaning of Biblical Teaching
- Examination of Historical Treatments
- Identification of the Essence of the Doctrine
- Illumination from Sources Beyond the Bible
- Contemporary Expression of the Doctrine
- Development of a Central Interpretive Motif
- Stratification of the Topics
- Degrees of Authority of Theological Statements
Theology and Critical Study of the Bible
Form Criticism
- Background
- Axioms
- Values or Form Criticism
- Criticism of Form Criticism
Redaction Criticism
- Development and Nature of the Discipline
- Criticisms of Redaction Criticism
- Values of Redaction Criticism
- Guidelines for Evaluating Critical Methods
Contemporizing the Christian Message
- The Challenge of Obsolescence
The Locus of Permanence in Christianity
- An Institution
- Acts of God
- Experiences
- Doctrines
- A Way of Life
Two Approaches to Contemporizing Theology
- Transformers
- Translators
Criteria of Permanence
- Constancy Across Cultures
- Universal Setting
- A Recognized Permeant Factor as a Base
- Indissoluble Link with an Experience Regarded as Essential
- Final Position Within Progressive Revelation
Theology and Its Language
- Theological Language and Verificational Analysis: The Accusation of Meaninglessness
- Theological Languages and Functional Analysis
Answers to the Accusation of Meaninglessness
- The Concept of the Blik
- Theological Language as Personal Language
- Theological Language as Eschatological Verification
- Theological Language as Metaphysical Synthesis
- Theological Language as a Means to Discernment and Commitment
Knowing God
God's Universal Revelation
- The Nature of Revelation
- The Loci of General Revelation
The Reality and Efficacy of General Revelation
- Natural Theology
- A Critique of Natural Theology
- The Denial of General Revelation
- Examination of Relevant Passages
- General Revelation, But Without Natural Theology
- General Revelation and Human Responsibility
- Implications of General Revelation
God's Particular Revelation
- The Definition and Necessity of Special Revelation
The Style of Special Revelation
- The Personal Nature of Special Revelation
- The Anthropic Nature of Special Revelation
- The Analogical Nature of Special Revelation
The Modes of Special Revelation
- Historical Events
- Divine Speech
- The Incarnation
- Special Revelation: Propositional or Personal?
- Scripture as Revelation
The Preservation of the Revelation: Inspiration
- Definition of Inspiration
- The Fact of Inspiration
- Issues in Formulating a Theory of Inspiration
- The Method of Formulating a Theory of Inspiration
- Theories of Inspiration
- The Extent of Inspiration
- The Intensiveness of Inspiration
- A Model of Inspiration
The Dependability of God's Word: Inerrancy
- Various Conceptions of Inerrancy
The Importance of Inerrancy
- Theological Importance
- Historical Importance
- Epistemological Importance
- Inerrancy and Phenomena
- Defining Inerrancy
- Ancillary Issues
The Power of God's Word: Authority
- Definition of Authority
- Religious Authority
- Establishing the Meaning and Divine Origin of the Bible
- The Internal Working of the Holy Spirit
- Objective and Subjective Components of Authority
Various Views of Illumination
- The View of Augustine
- The View of Daniel Fuller
- The View of John Calvin
- The Bible, Reason, and the Spirit
- Tradition and Authority
- Historical and Normative Authoritativeness
What God is Like
The Greatness of God
- The Nature of Attributes
- Classifications of Attributes
Attributes of Greatness
- Spirituality
- Personality
- Life
- Infinity
- Constancy
The Goodness of God
Moral Qualities
Moral Purity
- Holiness
- Righteousness
- Justice
- Genuineness
- Veracity
- Faithfulness
- Benevolence
- Grace
- Mercy
- Persistence
- God's Love and Justice -- A Point of Tension?
- The Best Mode of Investigating God's Attributes
God's Nearness and Distance: Immanence and Transcendence
- The Biblical Basis
Modern Versions of Immanentism
- Classical Liberalism
- Paul Tillich
- The Death of God Theology
- Implications of Immance
- The Biblical Basis
Models of Transcendence
- The Traditional Model
- Karl Barth's Model
- Soren Kierkegaard's Nonspatial Model
- The Historical Model of the Theology of Hope
- Implications of Transcendence
God's Three-in-Oneness: The Trinity
The Biblical Teaching
- The Oneness of God
- The Deity of Three
- Three-in-Oneness
Historical Constructions
- The "Economic" View of the Trinity
- Dynamic Monarchianism
- Modalistic Monarchianism
- The Orthodox Formulation
- Essential Elements of a Doctrine of the Trinity
- The Search for Analogies
What God Does
God's Plan
- Key Definitions
- The Biblical Teaching
The Nature of the Divine Plan
- The Terminology
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
- Logical Priority: God's Plan or Human Action?
- A Moderately Calvinistic Model
- Various Understandings of History
God's Originating Work: Creation
- Reasons for Studying the Doctrine of Creation
Elements of the Biblical Teaching on Creation
- Creation out of Nothing
- Its All-inclusive Nature
- Rejection of Dualism
- The Work of the Triune God
- Its Purpose: God's Glory
- God's Later Creative Work
- The Theological Meaning of the Doctrine
The Creation Doctrine and its Relation to Science
- The Age of Creation
- Development Within the Creation
- The Uniqueness of God's Creative Work
- Implications of the Doctrine of Creation
God's Continuing Work: Providence
- Providence as Preservation
Providence as Government
- The Extent of God's Governing Activity
- The Relationship Between God's Governing Activity and Sin
- The Major Features of God's Governing Activity
- Providence and Prayer
- Providence and Miracles
Evil and God's World: A Special Problem
- The Nature of the Problem
Types of Solutions
- Finitism: Rejection of Omnipotence
- Modification of the Concept of God's Goodness
- Denial of Evil
Themes for Dealing with the Problem of Evil
- Evil as a Necessary Accompaniment of the Creation of Man
- A Reevaluation of What Constitutes Good and Evil
- Evil in General as the Result of Sin in General
- Specific Evil as the Result of Specific Sins
- God as the Victim of Evil
- The Life Hearafter
God's Special Agents: Angels
- History of the Doctrine
Good Angels
- Terminology
- Their Origin, Nature, and Status
- Their Appearance
- Their Capacities and Powers
- Organization
- Difficult Terms
- Their Activities
Evil Angels
- The Status of Demonology Today
- The Origin of Demons
- The Chief of the Demons
- Activities of Demons
- Demon Possession
- The Destiny of Satan and the Demons
- The Role of the Doctrine of Angels
Introduction to the Doctrine of Humanity
- Importance of the Doctrine of Humanity
Images of Man
- Man as a Machine
- Man as an Animal
- Man as a Sexual Being
- Man as an Economic Being
- Man as a Pawn of the Universe
- Man as a Free Being
- Man as a Social Being
- The Christian View of Man
The Origin of Humanity
- The Meaning of "Origin"
- The Status of Adam and Eve
Views of Human Beginning
- Naturalistic Evolution
- Fiat Creation
- Deistic Evolution
- Theistic Evolution
- Progressive Creationism
The Age of Man
- Four Conservative Views
- The Problem of the Neolithic Elements in Genesis 4
- The Theological Meaning of Human Creation
The Image of God in the Human
- The Relevant Scripture Passages
Views of the Image
- The Substantive View
- Relational Views
- The Functional View
- Evaluation of the Views
- Conclusions Regarding the Nature of the Image
- Implications of the Doctrine
The Constitutional Nature of the Human
Basic Views of the Human Constitution
- Trichotomism
- Dichotomism
- Monism
- Biblical Considerations
- Philosophical Considerations
- An Alternative Model: Conditional Unity
- Implications of Conditional Unity
The Universality of Humanity
- All Races
- Both Sexes
- People of All Economic Statuses
- The Aged
- The Unborn
- The Unmarried
The Nature of Sin
- The Interrelationship Between the Doctrine of Sin and Other Doctrines
- The Difficulty of Discussing Sin
- Methods of Studying Sin
Terms for Sin
Terms Emphasizing Causes of Sin
- Ignorance
- Error
- Inattention
Terms Emphasizing the Character of the Sin
- Missing the Mark
- Irreligion
- Transgression
- Iniquity or Lack of Integrity
- Rebellion
- Treachery
- Perversion
- Abomination
Terms Emphasizing Results of Sin
- Agitation or Restlessness
- Evil or Badness
- Guilt
- Trouble
The Essential Nature of Sin
- Sensuality
- Selfishness
- Displacement of God
The Source of Sin
Various Conceptions of the Source of Sin
- Animal Nature
- Anxiety of Finiteness
- Existential Estrangement
- Economic Struggle
- Individualism and Competitiveness
- The Biblical Teaching
- Implications of the Various Views -- The Cure for Sin
The Results of Sin
Results Affecting the Relationship with God
- Divine Disfavor
- Guilt
- Punishment
- Physical Death
- Spiritual Death
- Eternal Death
Effects on the Sinner
- Enslavement
- Flight from Reality
- Denial of Sin
- Self-Deceit
- Insensitivity
- Self-Centeredness
- Restlessness
Effects on the Relationship to Other Humans
- Competition
- Inability to Empathize
- Rejection of Authority
- Inability to Love
The Magnitude of Sin
The Extent of Sin
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
The Intensiveness of Sin
- The Old Testament Teaching
- The New Testament Teaching
Theories of Original Sin
- Pelagianism
- Arminianism
- Calvinism
- Original Sin: A Biblical and Contemporary Model
The Social Dimension of Sin
- The Difficulty of Recognizing Social Sin
The Biblical Teaching
- The World
- The Powers
- Corporate Personality
Strategies for Overcoming Social Sin
- Regeneration
- Reform
- Revolution
The Person of Christ
Contemporary Issues in Christological Method
History and Christology
- The Search for the Historical Jesus
- "Christology from Above"
- "Christology from Below"
- Evaluation
- An Alternative Approach
- The Person and the Work of Christ
- Incarnation Viewed as Mythology
The Deity of Christ
The Biblical Teaching
- Jesus' Self-Consciousness
- The Gospel of John
- Hebrews
- Paul
- The Term "Lord"
- The Evidence of the Resurrection
Historical Departures from Belief in the Full Deity of Christ
- Ebionism
- Arianism
- Functional Christology
- Implications of the Deity of Christ
The Humanity of Christ
- The Importance of the Humanity of Christ
- The Biblical Evidence
Early Heresies Regarding the Humanity of Jesus
- Docetism
- Apollinarianism
Recent Depreciations of the Humanity of Jesus
- Karl Barth
- Ruldolf Bultmann
- The Sinlessness of Jesus
- Implications of the Humanity of Jesus
The Unity of the Person of Christ
- The Importance and Difficulty of the Issue
- The Biblical Material
Early Misunderstandings
- Nestorianism
- Eutychianism
Other Attempts to Solve the Problem
- Adoptionism
- Anhypostatic Christology
- Kenoticism
- The Doctrine of Dynamic Incarnation
- Basic Tenets of the Doctrine of Two Natures in One Person
The Virgin Birth
- The Signficance of the Issue
Evidence for the Virgin Birth
- Biblical Evidence
- Early Church Tradition
Objections to the Virgin Birth
- Unexpected Ignorance Regarding The Virgin Birth
- The Possibility of its Precluding Full Humanity
- Parallels in Other Religions
- Incompatibility wit the Preexistence of Christ
- Conflict with Natural Law
- The Theological Meaning of the Virgin Birth
The Work of Christ
Introduction to the Work of Christ
The Functions of Christ
- The Revelatory Role of Christ
- The Rule of Christ
- The Reconciling Work of Christ
The Stages of Christ's Work
The Humiliation
- Incarnation
- Death
- Descent into Hades
The Exaltation
- Resurrection
- Ascension and Session at the Father's Right Hand
- Second Coming
Theories of the Atonement
- The Significance of the Atonement
The Manifold Theories of the Atonement
- The Socinian Theory: The Atonement as Example
- The Moral-Influence Theory: The Atonement as a Demonstration of God's Love
- The Governmental Theory: The Atonement as a Demonstration of Divine Justice
- The Ransom Theory: The Atonement as Victory over the Forces of Sin and Evil
- The Satisfaction Theory: The Atonement as Compensation to the Father
The Central Theme of Atonement
Background Factors
- The Nature of God
- Status of the Law
- The Human Condition
- Christ
- The Old Testament Sacrificial System
The New Testament Teaching
- The Gospels
- The Pauline Writings
The Basic Meaning of Atonement
- Sacrifice
- Propitiation
- Substitution
- Reconciliation
Objections to the Penal-Substitution Theory
- The Objection to the Concept of the Necessity of Atonement
- The Objection to the Concept of Substitution
- The Objection to the Concept of Propitiation
- The Objection to the Concept of the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness
The Penal-Substitution Theory in Relation to the Other Theories
- The Atonement as Example
- The Atonement as a Demonstration of God's Love
- The Atonement as a Demonstration of God's Justice
- The Atonement as Triumph over Evil
- The Implications of Substitutionary Atonement
The Extent of the Atonement
Form Whom Did Christ Die?
- Particular Atonement
- Universal Atonement
- A Balanced Evaluation
- For What Did Christ Die?
The Holy Spirit
The Person of the Holy Spirit
- The Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
- Difficulties in Understanding the Holy Spirit
- The History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
The Nature of the Holy Spirit
- The Deity of the Holy Spirit
- The Personality of the Holy Spirit
- Implications of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
The Work of the Holy Spirit
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Christian
- The Beginning of the Christian Life
- The Continuation of the Christian Life
- The Miraculous Gifts Today
- Implications of the Work of the Spirit
Conceptions of Salvation
Details on Which Conceptions of Salvation Differ
- The Time Dimension
- Nature and Locus of the Need
- The Medium of Salvation
- The Direction of Movement in Salvation
- The Extent of Salvation
- The Objects of Salvation
Current Conceptions of Salvation
- Liberation Theologies
- Existential Theology
- Secular Theology
- Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology
- Evangelical Theology
The Antecedent to Salvation: Predestination
- The Historical Development of the Doctrine
Differing Views on Predestination
- Calvinism
- Arminianism
- Karl Barth
- A Suggested Solution
- Implications of Predestination
The Beginning of Salvation: Subjective Aspects
- Effectual Calling
- The Logical Order: Effectual Calling, Conversion, Regeneration
- Repentance
- Faith
- Regeneration
- Implications of Effectual Calling, Conversion, and Regeneration
The Beginning of Salvation: Objective Aspects
Union with Christ
- The Scriptural Teaching
- Inadequate Models
- Characteristics of the Union
- Implications of Union with Christ
- Justification and Forensic Righteousness
- Objections to the Doctrine of Forensic Justification
- Faith and Works
- The Lingering Consequences of Sin
- The Nature of Adoption
- The Benefits of Adoption
The Continuation of Salvation
- The Nature of Sanctification
- Sanctification: Complete or Incomplete?
The Christian Life
- Union with Christ
- A Relationship of Friendship
- The Role of the Law
- Separation
- The Salvation of Old Testament Believers
The Completion of Salvation
- The Calvinist View
- The Arminian View
- A Resolution of the Problem
- The Meaning of "Glory"
- The Glorification of the Believer
The Means and Extent of Salvation
Views of the Means of Salvation
- The View of Liberation Theology
- The View of Sacramentalism
- The Evangelical View
The Extent of Salvation
- Varieties of Universalism
- Evaluating the Case for Universalism
The Church
The Nature of the Church
Defining the Church
- Confusion Regerding the Church
- The Empirical-Dynamic Definition of the Church
- The Biblical-Philological Definition of the Church
Biblical Images of the Church
- The People of God
- The Body of Christ
- The Temple of the Holy Spirit
Special Problems
- The Church and the Kingdom
- The Church and Israel
- The Visible Church and the Invisible Church
- The Time of Inception of the Church
- Implications
The Role of the Church
The Functions of the Church
- Evangelism
- Edification
- Worship
- Social Concern
- The Heart of the Ministry of the Church: The Gospel
The Character of the Church
- Willingness to Serve
- Adaptability
The Government of the Church
Forms of Church Government
- Episcopal
- Presbyterian
- Congregational
- Nongovernment
- Constructing a System of Church Government for Today
The Initiatory Rite of the Church: Baptism
The Basic Views of Baptism
- Baptism as a Means of Saving Grace
- Baptism as a Sign and Seal of the Covenant
- Baptism as a Token of Salvation
Resolving the Issues
- The Meaning of Baptism
- The Subjects of Baptism
- The Mode of Baptism
The Continuing Rite of the Church: The Lord's Supper
Points of Agreement
- Establishment by Christ
- The Necessity of Repetition
- A Form of Proclamation
- A Spiritual Benefit to the Partaker
- Restriction to Followers of Christ
- The Horizontal Dimension
Points of Disagreement
- The Presence of Christ
- The Efficacy of the Rite
- The Proper Administrator
- The Appropriate Recipients
- The Elements to Be Used
Major Views
- The Traditional Roman Catholic View
- The Lutheran View
- The Reformed View
- The Zwinglian View
Dealing with the Issues
- The Presence of Christ
- The Efficacy of the Rite
- The Proper Administrator
- The Appropriate Recipients
- The Elements to Be Used
- The Frequency of Observance
The Unity of the Church
Arguments for Unity of the Church
- Biblical Teachings Regarding the Unity of Believers
- General Theological Considerations
- Practical Considerations: A Common Witness and Efficiency
Conceptions of the Nature of Unity
- Spiritual Unity
- Mutual Recognition and Fellowship
- Conciliar Unity
- Organic Unity
- The History and Present Status of Ecumenism
Issues Raise by Evangelicals
- The Theological Issue
- The Ecclesiological Issue
- The Methodological Issue
- The Teleological Issue
- Guidelines for Action
The Last Things
Introduction to Eschatology
- The Status of Eschatology
- The Classification of Eschatologies
Modern Treatments of Eschatology
- The Liberal Approach: Modernized Eschatology
- Albert Schweitzer: Demondernized Eschatology
- C. H. Dodd: Realized Eschatology
- Rudolf Bultmann: Existentialized Eschatology
- Jurgen Moltmann: Politicized Eschatology
- Dispensationalism: Systematized Eschatology
- Conclusions Regarding Eschatology
Individual Eschatology
- The Reality of Death
- The Nature of Death
- Physical Death: Natural or Unnatural?
- The Effects of Death
The Intermediate State
- The Difficulty of the Doctrine
Current Views of the Intermediate State
- Soul Sleep
- Purgatory
- Instantaneous Resurrection
- A Suggested Resolution
- Implications of the Doctrines of Death and the Intermediate State
The Second Coming and Its Consequences
The Second Coming
- The Definiteness of the Event
- The Indefiniteness of the Time
The Character of the Coming
- Personal
- Physical
- Visible
- Unexpected
- Triumphant and Glorious
- The Unity of the Second Coming
- The imminence of the Second Coming
- The Biblical Teaching
- A Work of the Triune God
- Bodily in Nature
- Of Both the Righteous and the Unrighteous
The Final Judgment
- A Future Event
- Jesus Christ the Judge
- The Subjects of the Judgment
- The Basis of the Judgment
- The Finality of the Judgment
- Implications of the Second Coming and Its Consequents
Millennial and Tribulational Views
Millennial Views
- Postmillennialism
- Premillennialism
- Amillennialism
- Resolving the Issues
Tribulational Views
- Pretribulationism
- Posttribulationism
- Mediating Positions
- Resolving the Issues
Final States
Final State of the Righteous
- The Term "Heaven"
- The Nature of Heaven
- Our Life in Heaven: Rest, Worship, and Service
- Issues Regarding Heaven
Final State of the Wicked
- The Finality of the Future Judgment
- The Eternality of Future Punishment
- Degrees of Punishment
- Implications of the Doctrine of the Final States
- Concluding Thoughts