1. scarring or fibrosis
      1. hepato cellular disease
        1. post necrotic cirrhosis due to hepatitis A,B,C,D viral hepatitis or toxic exposures
        2. Laennec's cirrhosis-hep C and alcoholism-malnutrition
        3. autoimmune-sarcoidosis or chronic inflammatory bowel disease
      2. cholestatic disease
        1. diseases of the biliary tree & sclerosing cholangitis
      3. metabolic disease
        1. include Wilson's disease & hemochromatosis
      4. other type of cirrhosis
        1. include Budd-Chiari syndroome, cardiac cirrhosis & cryptogenetic cirrhosis
    2. hepatocyte function is impaired
    3. fat storing cells become new matrix components
    4. CNS alteration-hepatic encephalopathy with lethargy, mental changes, paranoia, hallucinations, obtundation & coma due to toxic ammonia in the brain
    5. CVS alteration-portal hypertension-due to increased resistance or Budd-Chiari syndroome
      1. causes splenomegaly with thrombocytopenia, ascites, jaundice, coagulopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, bleeding- esophageal varices, GI bleed, or even renal failure
    1. Early Stage
      1. anorexia
      2. nausea and vomiting
      3. diarrhea
      4. dull abdominal ache
    2. Late Stage
      1. Respiratory-pleural effusion
      2. CNS-hepatic encephalopathy
      3. Hematology-bleeding tendencies
      4. Endocrine-testicular atrophy, menstrual irregularities, gynecomastia, & loss of chest & axillary hair
      5. Skin-abnormal pigmentation, spider angiomas, palmar erythema, & jaundice with severe pruritus, dryness & poor tissue turgor
      6. musty breath & RUQ abdominal pain
    1. liver biopsy
    2. abdominal x-ray
    3. ct scan including liver scan
    4. esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
    5. blood studies
    6. urine studies
    7. fecal studies
    8. history and physical examination
    1. 0.27% corresponding to 633,323 adults are affected in the United States
    2. 69%reports being unaware of having liver disease
    3. higher in non-Hispanic black & Mexican Americans, those living below poverty level, & with <12th grade education
    4. diabetes, alcohol abuse, hep C & B, male sex, & older age
    5. 53.5% from viral hepatitis, mostly hep C, diabetes, & alcohol
    6. mortality was 26.4%
    1. rest and alcohol abstinence
    2. vitamin & nutritional supplement
    3. antacids
    4. potassium sparing diuretics
    5. vasopressin
    6. paracentesis
    7. surgical shunt placement
    8. gastirc lavage to control the bleeding
    9. liver transplant