1. Oxaloacetate
  2. Citrate Synthase Enzyme
  3. Citrate
  4. Succinyl CoA
  5. NADH
  6. ADP
  7. Citrate
  8. Isocitrate
  9. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase enzyme present
  10. 2x NADH
  11. 2x NAD+
  12. ATP
  13. ADP
  14. Calcium
  15. Alpha-Ketogluterate
  16. Alpha-Ketogluterate Dehydrogenase
  17. Succinyl CoA
  18. 2x Carbon Dioxide
  19. 2x NAD+
  20. 2x NADH
  21. 2x Carbon Dioxide
  22. Aconitase Enzyme Present
  23. Succinate
  24. Lost a CoA-SH
  25. Succinyl CoA Synthetase
  26. 2x CoA-SH Lost
  27. Pi + GDP
  28. Succinate Dehydrogenase ( Complex II)
  29. Fumarate
  30. 2x FADH2
  31. 2x FAD
  32. Fumarase
  33. Malate
  34. Addition of 2x Water
  35. Malate Dehydrogenase
  36. 2x NAD+
  37. 2x NADH
  38. Isocitrate is oxidized, reducing NAD+ to NADH. Then the resulting compound loses a CO2 molecule.
  39. Citrate is converted to its isomer, isocitrate, by removal of one water molecule and addition of another
  40. 2x CoA-SH added
  41. Another CO2 is lost, and the resulting compound is oxidized, reducing NAD+ to NADH. The remaining molecule is then attached to coenzyme A by an unstable bond
  42. Another CO2 is lost, and the resulting compound is oxidized, reducing NAD+ to NADH. The remaining molecule is then attached to coenzyme A by an unstable bond
  43. The substrate is oxidized, reducing NAD+ to NADH and regenerating oxaloacetate.
  44. + H+
  45. 2x Acetyl CoA-SH
  46. Addition of 2x Water
  47. ATP
  48. Citric Acid Cycle ( Krebs Cycle) in the mitochondria
  49. Adding in of 2x CoA-SH
  50. Pyruvate Dehydrogenase enzyme present
  51. 2x Pyruvate
  52. Pyruvate is oxidized, with loss of its carboxyl group as CO2
  53. 2x Carbon Dioxide
  54. + H+
  55. + H+
  56. 2x ATP
  57. GTP
  58. 2x ADP
  59. Glycolysis