1. Why call it Punic?
    1. Well, the Phonecians and the Carthagians are synoymous
    2. Carthage, most powerful phonecian city, therefore they take over the empire.
      1. Carthage was an oligarchy
      2. They had a senate also
      3. Suffat, the autocrat elected yearly
    3. Carthagian Social Structure
      1. Totally monetarily based
      2. Probably because they were a trade-based empire.
      3. All you had to do was become rich and you could run for senate or suffat
    4. In Latin, Punic is Phoenicians
  2. Differences between Carthage and Rome
    1. Class System
      1. Carthage
        1. Monetarily-based
      2. Rome
        1. Rigid Class Structure
    2. Military system
      1. Carthage
        1. A few generals at top
        2. totally mercenary Army
          1. Spanish
          2. Numidians
          3. Egyptians
        3. Navy
          1. until the Romans reverse engineered it
        4. Carthage founded in 800 BC
      2. Rome
        1. No standing Army
        2. Citizen brigade
          1. Duty to Serve
        3. Consuls
          1. Led the army directly
        4. Malangax, modified phallanx
        5. Naval Innovation
          1. Corvus
          2. boarding bridges for taking land armies to kill naval forces.
          3. Big bridge with a hook, hence Corvus (Crow)
          4. Problems
          5. Heavy
          6. Maneuverability lost
  3. Hannibal Barca
    1. had a brother named Hasdrubal Barca
      1. Raided Roman Allies in Spain
    2. Their father fought the first punic war
      1. Hamilcar Barca
        1. Moved to Spain interbellum first and second
        2. For an extremely short period, he had his own empire.
        3. Barcid Empire
          1. hence, Barcelona
  4. Second War
    1. The Romans were busy in Macedonia
    2. So the Carthagians were well placed to effect their humiliation
    3. Hannibal brought...fucking..Elephants... across the Alps. Fuuuck.
      1. I will find a way or make one
      2. Problems with Hannibal's Army
        1. No Siege Equipment
        2. Most Elephants died
        3. Loss of Supplies, live on the Italian/Roman farms.
          1. then he scorched da earth
          2. Saltin the soil
        4. Hannibal made no friends living off the land
      3. The Romans didn't have the manpower to kill Hannibal
        1. Tactic: Attrition
        2. Tactic: Supply elimination
      4. Hannibal chose to attack Rome.
        1. Scipio's great idea
          1. Attack Carthage!
          2. resulted in Hannibal being recalled.
    4. Decisive Battle at Zama
      1. October 19th, 202 BC
      2. Scipio defeats Hannibal
        1. becomes Scipio Africanius
      3. Scipio had 30k, Hannibal 50k
        1. 20k killed from Carthagian ranks
  5. Marius' Reforms
    1. Professional Soldiers included in the Legions
      1. Before, it was exclusively citizen conscript militia
      2. Made the legions open to Non-Citizen
    2. the General was responsible for the pay and allegiance of the Soldiers
      1. the individual, rather than the state or the city
  6. Fun Fact
    1. Manchester
    2. Lancaster
    3. The Castra, the Military Camp set in a Grid
  7. First Punic War
  8. Third Punic War
    1. Salting of Carthage
  9. Sulla
    1. 89 AD
    2. Attack Rome
    3. Military aggrandizement of a General's Political Power
    4. Lead Directly to
    5. Sulla was soldier in Marius' Army
  10. Pompeii / Julius Caeser
    1. Pompeii was soldier in Sulla's Army
    2. Caeser saw that Pompeii had an Army
    3. Gaulish Campaign
      1. 59-49 BC
    4. By Roman Law, one could not lead an army outside of his province
      1. Crossing the Rubicon
      2. Declaring Civil War