1. Guide Lines
    1. 1. Begin with the end in mind
    2. 2. Find out what students know
    3. 3. Check as you go
    4. 4. Teach students to check as you go
    5. 5. Use rubrics to reinforce attainment of the learning goals
    6. 6. Provide clear and helpful feed back
  2. Effectiveness and Effeniciency
    1. 1. Selectively choose assessment opportunities
    2. 2. Selectively analyze student work
    3. 3. Provided clear feedback
    4. 4. Allow time for self assessment and peer review
    5. 5. Structure record keeping to encourage student self monitoring
    6. 6. Create an "Assessment Bank"
    7. 7. Include students in assessment design
  3. Examples of Assessment in the context of a Democratic Society
    1. 1. Center for inquiry
    2. 2. Key assessment practices
    3. 3. Teachers assessing themselves
    4. 4. Connections that Foster Democratic participation
      1. a. Equal assess and opportunity to education
      2. b. Development of self governing skills
      3. c. Development skills
    5. 5. Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP)
      1. a. Aligning goals, instruction, and assessment
      2. b. Key assessment strategies
      3. c. Teachers assessing themselves
      4. d. Fosters Democratic participation
  4. Democratic participation keys to assessment
    1. 1. Formative assessment and equal access
    2. 2. Formative assessment and self-governing skills
    3. 3. Formative assessment and critical thinking
  5. Setting Personal Goals
    1. 1. Choose a specific goal and write it down
    2. 2. Deside on a time when you goal will be achieved
    3. 3. Develop a plan
    4. 4. Self Evaluate