1. Scheduling Efficiency
    1. New Consult Forms
      1. Web Site Downloads
      2. Mail Packets to Practices
      3. Call Patients 2 days prior to ensure packet completion
    2. Marketing
      1. Web Site
      2. Visit Practices
      3. Door to Door Visits
      4. Disseminate Forms
      5. D Magazine Ad
    3. No-show strategies
      1. No-show Letters
      2. No-show follow up calls
      3. Reminder calls
      4. Reminder scheduling
      5. No show reports and analysis
    4. Cancellation Policies
    5. Scheduling Reports and analysis
    6. Waiting List Management
  2. Clinic Workflow
    1. Maximize Room Availability
      1. Staggered Schedules
      2. MA: Provider Ratio
      3. Room occupancy analysis
    2. Telephone: In Basket Efficiency
      1. 59 minute Rule
      2. In-basket Reports
    3. Streamline Intake Forms
    4. Use of electronic patient data entry
    5. E-prescribing
    6. Reports
      1. In bound fax for radiolology results
      2. Radiology PACS Integration
      3. Interface development for labs
      4. Interfaces for other entities
  3. Provider Efficiency
    1. Start Clinic on Time
    2. Most reliable patients first
    3. Medical Records availability
    4. Results availability
    5. Stocked Rooms
    6. Templates
      1. Clinic notes
      2. Letters
      3. Appeals
      4. Forms
    7. Smart Sets
    8. Voice Recognition
    9. Optimize computers
    10. Coordinate patient and provider
    11. Drive administrative work away from the provider
    12. Provider Reports
      1. Octane Ratio: New/Est
      2. 3rd available
      3. RVU reports
      4. Coding reports
      5. Encounter reports
      6. In-basket reports
  4. Patient Registration/Verification
    1. Accurate Demographic Entry
    2. Verification of Benefits
    3. Pre-authorization
    4. Duplicate Management