1. Generic Goals(GG) & Generic Practices(GP)
    1. GG1 - Achieving Specific Goals
      1. GP1.1 - Perform Base Practices
    2. GG2 - Institutionalize a Managed Process
      1. GP2.1 - Establish an Organizational Policy
      2. GP2.2 - Plan the Process
      3. GP2.3 - Provide Resources
      4. GP2.4 - Assign Responsibility
      5. GP2.5 - Train People
      6. GP2.6 - Manage Configurations
      7. GP2.7 - Identify & Involve Relevant Stakeholders
      8. GP2.8 - Monitor & Control the Process
      9. GP2.9 - Objectively Evaluate Adherence
      10. GP2.10 - Review Status with Higher Level Management
    3. GG3 - Institutionalize a Defined Process
      1. GP3.1 - Establish a Defined Process
      2. GP3.2 - Collect Process Related Experiencies
  2. Representations
    1. Process Areas (continuous)
      1. Process Management
        1. OPD: Organizational Process Definition
        2. OPF: Organizational Process Focus
        3. OPM: Organizational Performance Management
        4. OPP: Organizational Process Performance
        5. OT: Organizational Training
      2. Project Management
        1. REQM: Requirements Management
        2. PP: Project Planning
        3. PMC: Project Monitoring and Control
        4. IPM: Integrated Project Management
        5. RSKM: Risk Management
        6. QPM: Quantitative Project Management
        7. SAM: Supplier Agreement Management
      3. Engineering
        1. RD: Requirements Development
        2. TS: Technical Solution
        3. PI: Product Integration
        4. VER: Verification
        5. VAL: Validation
      4. Support
        1. CAR: Causal Analysis and Resolution
        2. CM: Configuration Management
        3. DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution
        4. MA: Measurement and Analysis
        5. PPQA: Process and Product Quality Assurance
    2. Process Areas (staged)
      1. Level 2
        1. REQM: Requirements Management
        2. PP: Project Planning
        3. PMC: Project Monitoring and Control
        4. MA: Measurement and Analysis
        5. PPQA: Process and Product Quality Assurance
        6. CM: Configuration Management
        7. SAM: Supplier Agreement Management
      2. Level 3
        1. RD: Requirements Development
        2. TS: Technical Solution
        3. PI: Product Integration
        4. VER: Verification
        5. VAL: Validation
        6. OPD: Organizational Process Definition
        7. OPF: Organizational Process Focus
        8. OT: Organizational Training
        9. IPM: Integrated Project Management
        10. RSKM: Risk Management
        11. DAR: Decision Analysis and Resolution
      3. Level 4
        1. OPP: Organizational Process Performance
        2. QPM: Quantitative Project Management
      4. Level 5
        1. CAR: Causal Analysis and Resolution
        2. OPM: Organizational Performance Management