1. Goals- use goal tool for objectives
    1. Objective 1
    2. Objective 2
    3. Objective 3
    4. Objective 4
    5. Objective 5
  2. Start Here LM
    1. Overview of Course
      1. Welcome Letter: Create w/Word
      2. Welcome Letter 2: PDF
      3. Overview of objectives and requirements
      4. Schedule of Events: HTML
      5. Student Orientation Module
      6. Assessment 1
      7. Getting Technical Help
      8. Useful Links
  3. Module (Session) 1 Folder Dates
    1. Instructional Design LM
      1. PP on BD
      2. Real PP- Impatica- on BD
        1. Subtopic 1
        2. Subtopic 2
        3. Subtopic 3
        4. Subtopic 4
        5. Subtopic 5
      3. Self-test on BD
      4. Interactivity Readings and websites
        1. Student-Content
        2. Student-Teacher
        3. Student- Student
      5. Discussion: on Interactivity- good Soc/Crim ways to do this
      6. Sample Courses
      7. Story Boards/Outlines
      8. Assignment 1: Create a Story board/Outline of your course
      9. Assignment 2: Create a Storyboard of a unit in your course- use an LM
      10. Assignment 3: Create a Welcome Module for your course
    2. Evaluation LM
      1. Overview
      2. Readings
      3. Rubrics
      4. Resources
      5. Discussion
      6. Group Assignment: Create a Rubric- use a collaborative space
  4. Module 2 Dates (Folder)
    1. Interactivity Tools Overview LM
      1. Syncronous
      2. Asynchronous
      3. Cool tools
      4. Assessment 2
      5. Assignment 4
      6. etc
    2. Wimba Session to demo tools and Wimba
  5. Module 3 Dates (Folder)
    1. Fill this Folder with tutorials and resources for CD
    2. Assignment: Post and present Course
    3. Assignment: Post Rubric
  6. General Resource Folder