1. New Tasks
    1. Research on filter features in course
    2. Research on AI Chatbot with nice UI
      1. dialogflow
      2. BotStar
      3. IBM Watson assistant (USD 140/Month)
    3. cleaning up the unrelated plugin
      1. need discuss wif ashraf and chloe to uninstall the other plugins that they use for testing before
    4. remove dashboard, messages, grade
    5. move grade to top portion
    6. adding topic word on top
    7. remove gear icon from student side
      1. can't do. if hide the navigation (gear) icon for all students on the site, this will also hide the navigation (gear) icon for all other users on the site including teacher.
  2. Completed Tasks
    1. Question & Answer list for autochat
    2. User Guide Documentation
      1. Autochat insert q&a
      2. Certification
      3. Export-import calender for google & outlook
      4. Create & manage course
      5. Training booking
      6. Create acc + login guide
      7. Design badge and create badge
      8. ALL H5P user guide
    3. Integrating COE with company Linkedln
      1. nid communicate with Mr. Yoo to get the credential
        1. been granted the Strateq Linkedln credential by MrYoo
          1. request remove the credential since all setup was done.
    4. Export calendar from LMS, Ensure the format of exported calendar,
 Import to outlook and google
      1. format of exported calendar= .ics (compulsory)
        1. done import testing
    5. certificate
      1. Design certificate template (10)
      2. simple certificate & course certificate
      3. check teacher and student email
    6. doing testing for all h5p types
    7. testing for all H5P interative book content, explain and test outcome
    8. doing badge
      1. searching tools
        1. canva design
    9. upload correct format image to all department and courses
    10. Study on how create training booking to users
      1. Need know how many number the learner choose for virtual or face-to-face
    11. Email confirmation testing for booking plugin
    12. Upload the data literacy to ESG- BDA

    13. Upload/Import list of Strateq staff to LMS
  3. Current Issues
    1. 1. Confirmation Email
      1. Unable sending out the email
    2. 2. Video Uploading
      1. Max Size: 100MB
    3. 3. Booking Plugin
      1. the current version can't support email function
        1. change to new plugin aldy(done)
    4. Possible Solutions
      1. Solution for issue 1
        1. Ong and Chloe was conducting the research on email server.
      2. Solution for issue 2
        1. Edit video length into seperate parts, reduce video resolution
      3. Solution for issue 3
        1. Replace booking plugin with face-to-face plugin which consist of more detail, simple, email, and reminder function.
    5. 4. Current Moodle version (older version) doesn't support categorization badge
    6. 5. UI design of autochat
  4. LMS Features
    1. Badges
      1. Conducted research on badges use by other LMS platform
      2. Research to include badges in the lms
      3. Accredible, Open Badge Factory
        1. Require API connection setup
      4. a. using "Level Up" plugin for ranking/leaderboard (tot 10 level) b. use Canva to create badge for student
        1. completed design the ranking badge
        2. will provide guide on how to create badge and issue badge (USER GUIDE)
    2. Completion tracking
      1. add in all course to track the student progress on module
  5. Introductory Video of COE
    1. Conducting research
      1. Exploring the video creation tool: e.g DaVinci Resolve, Animaker, Powtoon and Lumen 5
    2. Prepared Documentation of LMS Video Requirements to Taufik
  6. Course Content
    1. Compliance
      1. QA_SW
    2. Internal Training
      1. Training Booking Slot
      2. Training Materials
        1. files, folders, videos,..