1. cities under colonial control
    1. history depends on:-
      1. type of city
      2. place in the globe
    2. presidency
      1. late 18th century-important cities -madras, calcutta,bombay
      2. centre of british power in parts of india
    3. small cities declined because of new centres
      1. drop in demand
      2. couldn't survive new centres
      3. surat, machlipatnam, seringapatnam experienced DE URBANISATION
      4. 11% of people in cities were indians
      5. delhi became powerless
        1. rebuilt in 1911 as capital of british india
  2. other capitals
    1. delhi was capital of india before 1000 years
    2. 14 other small capitals 60 miles left of yamuna
    3. shahjahanabad
      1. capital between 12th & 17th century
      2. built by shah jahan in 1639
      3. consisted
        1. fortified palace complex red fort
        2. left of it lay walled city with 14 gates
        3. faiz bazaar
        4. chandni chowk
        5. canal near chandni chowk
        6. jama masjid
          1. india's grandest mosque
          2. highest structure in shahjahanabad
          3. first mosque in india
        7. royal possession
      4. sufi centre during shah jahan's period
        1. dargahs
          1. sufi saint's tomb
        2. khanqahs
          1. sufi lodge
          2. to discuss spritual matters
        3. idgahs
          1. prayer place
      5. open squares, winding lanes and cult de sacs - dead ends
      6. poet mir taqi lived
      7. possessions led to conflicts
  3. making of new delhi
    1. 1803 british got control of delhi defeat marathas
    2. marathas allowed to stay in red fort
    3. after 1911 it became capital of british india
    4. demolishing a past
      1. before 1857 develope ments diffeent than others
      2. other cities
        1. indians in BLACK AREAS
        2. britishers in WHITE AREAS
      3. in delhi
        1. 1800-1857
          1. britishers lived with wealthy indians
          2. learnt to enjoy urdu or persian culture
          3. participated in local festivals like gulfaroshan
          4. established DELHI COLLEDGE in 1792
          5. 1830-1857 DELHI RENAISSENCE
        2. AFTER 1857 REVOLT
          1. bahadur shah wanted to become leader of delhi
          2. british regained the city
          3. sent bahadur to burma (myanmar)
          4. british wanted delhi to forget past
          5. britishers cleared
          6. garden of red fort
          7. pavllions
          8. mosques
          9. no worship in jama masjid
          10. zinat al masjid made into bakery
          12. 1870 west walls of shahjahanabad were broken -establish railway- expand city
          13. college turned into school
          14. shut down in 1877
    5. planning new capital
      1. 1877- viceroy lytton organised durbar
      2. queen victoria callled empress of india
      3. king george V crowned as king in 1911
      4. made delhi new capitalas delhi
      5. new delhi
        1. area= 10 square miles
        2. on raisina hill
        3. south of old delhi
        4. architects
          1. edward lutyens
          2. herbert baker
          3. in south africa
          4. early 1890's-went to SA for work
          5. met cecil rhodes- governor of cape town
          6. designed union building in pretoria
          7. used some elements as in secretariat building in delhi
        5. 2 mile avenue called kingsway or rajpath
        6. viceroys palace called rashtrapati bhavan
        7. secretariat on either side of the palace
        8. features of government buildings like imperial india
        9. overall look - classical greece 15th century BCE
        10. took 20 years to be built
        11. sense of law and order
        12. neat and clean and green
        13. drainage system made proper
      6. features of viceroys palace
        1. central dome from sanchi stupa
        2. red sandstone & screens from mughal architecture
        3. higher than jama masjid
    6. time of partition
      1. changes
        1. culture
        2. occupation
        3. population
      2. riots
        1. 2/3 of delhi muslim migrated
        2. 44,000 houses left abandoned
        3. 500,000 sikhs & hindus came to delhi
        4. stayed in school ,tents,camps,etc,
        5. terrorised pakistanis lived in makeshifts till the could leave for pakistan
        6. every thing looked new in delhi , punjab, pakistan
        7. new colonies developed like tilak nagar and lajpat nagar
        8. occupation of people
          1. in pakistan
          2. artisans
          3. petty traders
          4. labourors
          5. in delhi before partition
          6. hawkers
          7. lawyers
          8. teachers
          9. small shopkeeper
          10. landlords
          11. in delhi after partition
          12. hawkers
          13. vendors
          14. carpenters
          15. ironsmiths
  4. inside the old city
    1. bought water for daily needs
    2. was neglected in 19th century
    3. because system of wells /baolis broke down
    4. effluents were damaged
    5. population was growing rapidly
    6. millions of rupees spent on new delhi
    7. decline of havelis
      1. mansions of mughal aristocrats called havelis declined in 17th or 18th century
      2. main room used only by men
      3. taken up by mercantile classes
      4. instead colonial bungalow were made for a nuclear family
    8. municipalities plan
      1. census 1931 revealed that old delhi had 90 persons per acre
      2. new delhi had 3persons per acre
      3. in1888 an extension scheme called lahore gate improvement scheme was used till 1912 it remained incomplete
      4. drainage system were very poor
      5. delhi improvement trust was set up in 1936 & built areas for wealthy indians
      6. new rules were made
      7. everything was organised by them