1. Full Duplex
      1. i.e. Interactive, two player games, or phone calls
    2. Half Duplex
      1. Same Channel: i.e. email
      2. Different Channel: i.e. magazine subscriptions and buying advertiser's products
  2. Objectives
    1. Informing/Explaining
      1. Informing
        1. Intended to pass:
        2. -Data and facts to receiver
          1. Topic
          2. Topic
      2. Explaining
        1. Intended to pass:
        2. -Logic and rationale to receiver
          1. Topic
    2. Persuading
      1. Intended to create:
      2. -Acceptance, motivation, or belief within receiver
        1. Topic
    3. Instructing
      1. Intended to create:
      2. -Understanding and skill within receiver
        1. Topic
      3. (Sometimes mistaken for informing or explaining)
    4. Inquiring
      1. Intended as a request:
      2. -For information, explanation, or instruction
        1. Topic
      3. (Request may be subject of design)
    5. Entertaining
      1. Intended to create:
      2. -Diversion: i.e. comedy/adventure
        1. Topic
      3. -Catharsis: i.e. tragedy
        1. Topic
      4. -Stimulation: i.e. horror, music, pornography, video games
        1. Topic
    6. Developing Relationships
      1. Intended to:
      2. -Establish, maintain, and improve social ties
        1. Topic
      3. (May be a subject of design)
    7. There may be hybrids
      1. can be more effective
      2. can be used to fill 1+ objective
        1. EXAMPLES
          1. Persuading & Entertaining
          2. Informing & Instructing
          3. Informing & Entertaining
  3. Analytic Model
    1. Source
      1. Topic
        1. Person/Group of people
        2. Machine/Machine Network
    2. Message
      1. Topic
        1. Data
        2. Text
        3. Sound
        4. Voice
        5. Music
        6. Image
        7. Video
        8. Multimedia
        9. And/or ideas
    3. Encoder
      1. Topic
        1. Audio/video codec
        2. Radio/tv transmitter
        3. Telephone
        4. Semaphore
        5. Telegraph key
        6. Blanket over fire
    4. Channel
      1. Topic
        1. Printed media
        2. Copper wires
        3. Coaxial cables
        4. Optical fiber
        5. Radio waves
        6. Storage media: DVDS,CDS, or cassets
    5. Signal
      1. Topic
        1. Text
        2. Analog radio signals: AM/FM Radio and NTSC Video
        3. Digital radio signals: Digital Radio/TV/HDTV
        4. Pulses of laser light
    6. NOISE
      1. Physical: ex. thunder
      2. Mechanical: ex. loss of internet/cable connection
      3. Semantic: ex. body language, grammar, technical language
      4. Psychological: ex. Audience's anxiety, i.e. thirst or hunger
      5. Cultural: ex. differences in languages, traditions, or customs
    7. Decoder
      1. Topic
        1. (Opposite of encoding)- Conversion of encoded form back to original form
    8. Message
      1. Topic
        1. Message from the source meant for receiver.
    9. Receiver
      1. Topic
        1. Similar to source: Person or group of people
        2. Machine or network of machines
  4. Strategic Model
    1. Helps plan Communication
      1. Motivation
        1. Need For Communication?
        2. Objective/purpose of communication?
      2. Audience
        1. Who is the audience?
        2. How are they related to the source?
      3. Description
        1. Which style, genre, and/or theme works for this audience?
      4. Strategic model helps answer these ?s for designer...
    2. Why do we need a design strategy?
      1. We must communicate.
      2. We can't control audience.
      3. We must: discover controllable/uncontrollable factors and take action.