1. Pre-Experiment
    1. Sign in
    2. Introduction (script-based)
    3. Consent Forms
    4. Demographic Questionnaire
    5. Short Graph Literacy Scale (SGLS)
    6. VZ-2 paper folding test
  2. Experiment
    1. Enter ID (experimenter)
    2. Eye-calibration
    3. Training Session
    4. AR_DS1 / AR_DS2 + VR_DS2 / VR_DS1
    5. NASA_TLX + Likert Scale ( after each condition)
    6. Counter-blanced
  3. Post-Experiment
    1. Semistructured Interview
    2. Give gift card or credits
  4. Questions
    1. Outlier Detection (Max/Min points) [SZA+16] [HOP+19] [KAY+23]
      1. Which brand of cereal contain the highest Fat?
      2. Which brand of cereal contain the lowest Suger?
    2. Cluster Recognition [BER+21] [HOP+19]
      1. In terms of Potein, which brand of cereal has less differentia?
      2. In terms of Suger, which value is close to the threshold for low vs. high contain?
    3. Summarization(mean/median) [SZA+16]
      1. What is the mean value for Fat contain among all cereals?
      2. Which brand contains the most cereal above the median amount of potein?