1. History
      1. Chart Review
        1. Medical Records
          1. Subjective Interview (patient-centered)
    2. Systems Review
      1. Cardiopulmonary
      2. Integumentary
      3. Neuromuscular
      4. Musculoskeletal
      5. Cognition
    3. Tests & Measures
    1. Initial Evaluation components
    1. Physician Diag.
      1. Identify disease/disorder/condition. @ level of cell/tissue/organ/system.
    2. PT Diag.
      1. Impact of a CONDITION on FUNCTION
      2. Level of the system (movement system)
      3. At the level of the WHOLE PERSON
    3. Hypothetico-Deductive Method
  7. Goals of Examination + Evaluation
    1. Determine if PT is appropriate for pt.
    2. Develop PT diagnosis
    3. Develop POC and progress plan based on response to intervention
  8. International Classification of Functioning (disability,& health)
    1. Domains
      1. Body Structure and Function BSF
      2. Activities
        1. Contextual Factors
          1. Personal Factors
          2. Environmental Factors
      3. Participation
  10. Clinical Setting Differences
    1. Acute Care (inpatient) Setting
      1. Determining Cognition
      2. Reason For Visit or Initiation of Service
      3. Determining Prior Level of Function
      4. Determining DISCHARGE Situation
      5. Do's & Don'ts
        1. Goals
    2. Outpatient Setting
      1. Reason For Visit or Initiation of Service
      2. Location of Symptoms
      3. MOI
      4. 24-Hour Behavior
      5. Aggravating/Alleviating Factors
      6. SINS
        1. Severity (intensity)
        2. Irritability (time of onset)
        3. Nature (description)
        4. Stage (progression/stability)
          1. Time Frame for Injury
          2. Acute
          3. Sub-Acute
          4. Chronic
          5. Stage of Tissue Healing
          6. Inflammatory
          7. Proliferative
          8. Remodeling
    1. Considerations
      1. Patient's Position
    2. SUPINE (bony prominences)
    3. PRONE (bony prominences)
    4. SIDE-LYING (bony promineces)
    5. SITTING (bony prominences)
    1. Assessment Prior to Transfer/Gait Training + choosing assistive device
    2. Preposition for Successful Transfer
    3. Standing Dependent
      1. 1. Dependent Pivot Transfer
        1. 2. Dependent, Single Leg Stabilized
    4. Standing Assisted
      1. 1. Transferring to Stronger Side, WEAKER Leg Stabilized
        1. 2. Transferring to Stronger Side, Stronger Leg Stabilized
          1. 3. Transferring To Weaker Side, Weaker Leg Stabilized
          2. 4. Transferring To Weaker Side, Stronger Leg Stabilized
    5. BOARD Transfer
      1. Allow for greatest patient independence
    6. Assisted Devices (sit-stand principles)
      1. Cane
        1. Axillary Crutches
          1. FWW (4 wheeled walker)
          2. 4WW
    7. Gait Patterns
      1. 4-point
        1. 4-point (modified)
          1. 2-point
          2. 2-point (modified)
          3. 3-point
          4. 3-point (modified) 3-1 point PWB
      2. Stair Training
        1. Ascending (no railing)
          1. Ascending (walker + 1 railing)
          2. Ascending (unilateral device + no railing)
        2. Descending (no railing)
          1. Descending (walker + 1 railing)
          2. No railing + curve
  13. Body Mechanics
    1. BOS
    2. COG
    3. Lifting Techniques
      1. Deep Squat Lift
        1. compensation
      2. Power Lift
        1. compensation
      3. Single Limb Stance Lift
      4. Half-Kneeling Lift
      5. Traditional Lift
        1. Compensation
    4. Sitting/Lying Down
      1. Sitting
      2. Lying Down/Sleeping
    1. PT's Role:
      1. Working knowledge of health condition (pathology)
        1. "Health Condition"
      2. Determine what difficulties pt. has in task performance and the effect on activity and participation
        1. "Activities & Participation"
      3. Discover impairments that contribute to task performance and intervene
        1. "Body Structure & Function"
  16. Red Flag
    1. Indication
      1. Potential Red-Flag Information
        1. Immediate Medical Referral (S&S)
    2. Screening
      1. Past Medical History (concerning)
      2. Identification (recently experienced?) George et al (2015)
    3. 5 Specific Symptoms
      1. Fatigue
        1. Fever/Chills/Sweats
          1. Weight Loss
          2. Nausea + Vomiting
          3. Mentation (changes)
          4. Specific CONDITIONS (RED FLAGS)
          5. Cancer
          6. Neurological
          7. Cardiovascular
          8. Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary
    4. Pain
      1. Musculoskeletal
      2. Systemic
        1. Visceral Referred Pain
          1. McBurney's Point (Appendix/Right Lower Abdomen)
          2. Peripheral Edema (bilateral)