1. Education
    1. Online encyclopedias
      1. Wikipedia
    2. Online books
    3. Presentations
      1. Powerpoint
      2. Xmind
  2. Business
    1. Advertising
      1. Pop-up
      2. SEO
    2. Search for investing
      1. Star-ups
    3. Cybersport
      1. Counter Strike
      2. World of Tanks
      3. Dota 2
    4. Online banking
  3. Entertainment
    1. Games
    2. Online movies and serials
    3. Online news
  4. Shopping
    1. Web stores
      1. eBay
      2. Amazon
    2. Payment through the Net
      1. Webmoney
      2. Yandex-money
  5. Science
    1. Researches with special equipment
    2. Medicine
      1. Drug discovery
  6. Social life
    1. Video conferences
      1. Skype
    2. Social networks
      1. Facebook
      2. VK
      3. Twitter
    3. E-mail