1. In an era of growing global population and increasing environmental challenges, the transformation of agrifood systems has become a pressing need.
    1. Many farmers face challenges in using aerospace technology like satellites and drones to improve how they grow food.
    1. 1. Yes, this is because with training and aerospace technology programs, farmers can find out information about aerospace technology for the food industry, in addition to being able to expand food production.
    2. 2. this is because by having incentives and subsidies a lot of new technologies can be create because there is money we can use to make RnD
    3. 3. Robotic farming involves the use of various types of robots to carry out tasks that are typically done by human workers.
    4. 4. Develop and implement user-friendly interfaces for aerospace technology applications such as drone and satellite imagery. Beside that, Evaluate the adoption rates and proficiency of farmers using the simplified applications compared to those using traditional, complex interfaces.
    5. 5. Precision agriculture is often referred to as GPS (Global Positioning System)- based agriculture, variable-rate farming, prescription farming, site-specific farming etc
    6. 6. Large forest fires can be mapped from space, allowing rangers to see a much larger area than from the ground.
    1. 1. Is it possible to improve farmers' adoption and efficient use of these instruments for crop management by offering extensive training programmes on aerospace technology ?
    2. 2. If financial incentives or subsidies are provided by some organisations does it can give positive impact and widespread towards farmers industries in aerospace food technology
    3. 3.Robotic technologies are on of the factors that can help to increase food production
    4. 4. If farmers can use space tech, will making it easy with simple apps and interfaces help more farmers use and get good at it in farming?
    5. 5. Aerospace technology, particularly the Global Positioning System (GPS), has played a significant role in increasing food production through precision agriculture. Here's how GPS technology contributes to this process
    6. 6. Remote sensing refers to the process of collecting information about an area from a distance without making physical contact with it.
    1. In summary, by assisting farmers in resource management, decision-making, and crop monitoring, aerospace technology has the potential to greatly boost food production. For widespread use, though, issues like restricted access and knowledge gaps must be resolved. We can fully realise the advantages of aerospace technology in agriculture by overcoming these obstacles through training, and user-friendly interfaces, which will ultimately increase farming's productivity and sustainability.Moreover based on all hypothesis and findings will make aerospace technology in food industry growth positively and make the world better.
    1. 1. https://www.acteonline.org/tech-agriculture-data-science/
    2. 2. https://www.acteonline.org/tech-agriculture-data-science/
    3. 3. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-farming-how-robotics-revolutionising-food-beverage-industry?trk=article-ssr-frontend-pulse_more-articles_related-content-card
    4. 4. https://ts2.space/en/the-importance-of-user-experience-and-design-in-precision-agriculture/#gsc.tab=0
    5. 5. Precision agriculture is often referred to as GPS (Global Positioning System)- based agriculture, variable-rate farming, prescription farming, site-specific farming etc
    6. 6.https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/what-remote-sensing-and-what-it-used