1. Where to get really cool material
  2. Rodd Lucier
    1. The Clever Sheep
  3. Originally for teachers
    1. now for all kinds of learners
    2. Now for creators
  4. For mini chapters
    1. Culture of Cheating
      1. A world that is ripe for cheating
        1. music
        2. games
        3. movies
        4. etc.
      2. But isn't finding the short cut what society is all about?
      3. Teachers should model appropriate use of content
        1. CC is a way to do that
      4. Copyright
        1. extends for life of creator plus
          1. 70 years U.S.
          2. 50 years Canada
      5. But there is an alternative
    2. Creative Commons
      1. Creative Commons
        1. Gives permission up front
          1. copy, share, use
          2. remix
          3. conditions
          4. Attribution (give credit)
          5. Non-commerical
          6. Editiable (derivative works)
          7. Share alike (passing permissions on)
        2. (c) is Copyright (cc) is creative commons
    3. Collegial Creativity
      1. Looking for conditions of CC
        1. Usually just click the symbol (cc)
      2. Is is legally binding?
        1. Adam Curry won legal judgment on CC violation in Amsterdam
      3. Flickr is a great source for CC images
      4. U.S. Government
        1. Obama administration said that everything submited was CC
        2. But that was illegal (complex)
        3. Creative Commons found a way.
          1. O United States Government Work
      5. Music
        1. CCMixter
        2. OK Go
      6. Video
        1. Archive.org
        2. Al Jazera
        3. KhanAcademy
      7. Text
        1. Cory Doctorow
          1. Little Brother
        2. Bloggers
        3. Encyclopedia
          1. Wikipedia
      8. Stuff
        1. Ronen Kadushin
    4. C'mon, Copyleft
      1. Great story about a CC collaboration
      2. Students can license their work
        1. Can children make contracts?
        2. Licensing is a contract
      3. Be careful
        1. Be careful who you take pictures of and make creative commons...
  5. Benefits two people
    1. The original creator
    2. The new creator who get raw materials to work with