Light Bulb Moment- when then moment understanding and realisation occurs
- 'Aha' moments
- Eureka moments
Salmon's 5 Stages
- 1. Access and Motivation
- 2.Online Socialisation
- 3.Imformation Exchange
- 4.Knowledge Construction
- 5.Development
- E-moderator, lurker, scaffolded, interactivity
What is creativity and Imagination in Education
- C&I-One can not exist without the other
Defining CIE
- Creativity can be defined as the tendency to generate or recognise ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others and entertaining ourselves and others(Franken, 1994,p.396)
Community of Practice-Some of the best ideas were discovered in coffee shops!
- Adobe Connect
- Discussion forums
- Ken Robinson-"Schools kill Creativity"
- Creativity is a behaviour that can be taught
- Mindmapping- great for overview of learning
- "Imagination is the raw ability to conjure up a different reality"-Lui & Noppe-Brandon
- Movie Maker
- Vocaroo-audio recording
- Open Office-ebook
- Photography, video recording
- Photovisi
- Tagxedo
- Web 2.0
- X-Mind: mind mapping
- LEO-online learning
- Adobe connect
- Survey Monkey-survey design
Creativity and Self
Promotional C&I Video
- Self doubt, fear
- gathering information
- Leaving comfort zone when exploring Movie Maker
- Learn Movie Maker-strong sense of achievement
- Motivation ignited
- Reflection-powerful learning experience
- Creative process
- CIE Today: local, national and international
My 'Aha' Moments
- Ken Robinson's story about Gillian Lynne and his comment, "Someone else might of put her on medication and told her to calm down." How wrong we can be!
- Creating the Promotional and Transformational video: experiencing the creative process that we want our students to experience and undertake
- Writing the forum discussion topics: consolidation of the information provided for each weekly topic
- Watching and participating the ACS's was a consolidating, inspiring, and a useful process for verification
Aboriginal 8 Ways of Learning
- Story sharing
- Deconstruct- reconstruct
- Non-linear
- Land links
- Community links
- Non-verbal
- Learning maps
- Symbols and images
Intuition is a human gift not to be ignored
- Previous Knowledge
- Inspiration
- Vision
- Ideas
- Mistake making
- Imagination
- Innovation
- Floating Topic
- Big 'C'
Assignment 3-C&I Curriculum Framework
Consolidation of unit content
- Everything learnt got put into practice
Invaluable teaching reource
- Tasks to devevelop C&I learning behaiours in students and teachers
- Great achievement
Monumental learning process
- Mind mapping, Assessment, Evaluation and Mapping
Questionnaire design
- Identifying existing creative and imaginative behaviours in students and teachers-SurveyMonkey
Role of environment
- Safe, comfortable, faciliates collaboration, bright and airy
- Definition of C&I
- State, National, International and Cultural representation
Imaginative capacities
- Noticing deeply
- Embodying
- Questioning
- Identifying patterns
- Making connections
- Exhibiting empathy
- Creating meaning
- Taking action
- Reflecting and assessing