- Mindmapping
- Outlining
- Summarising
- Extracting key points
- Highlighting
- Book notes
- Extracting key quotes
- Own mindmaps of books/materials
Clarifying worldviews
- Consideration of different perspectives
- Listening to others
Conversations with engaged actors
- Anarchists & organisers worldwide
- Permaculture practitioners that farm animals
- Re-assembling information in a format you understand
- Exploring how it relates to your own worldviews & experiences
- Observing patterns
- Survey & Analysis Mindmap/Table
- My place in the field reflective writing
- Comparing work between yourself and others
- Comparing work of others
- Weighing up evidence
- Analysing arguments that support your claims & those that don't
- Survey & Analysis Mindmap/Table
- My place in the field piece of reflective writing
- Patterns of oppression page - my critique of food movements
- Towards an anarchist agroecology section
- Areas of field not getting attention/neglected
- Contradictory pieces
- Filling in gaps
- Expanding on your own reflection
- Expanding your thinking following your research process
- Towards an anarchist agroecology section
- Personal/professional/political/project growth
Ongoing Thought Processes
- Analyzing
- Conceptualising
- Defining
- Examining
- Inferring
- Listening
- Questioning
- Reasoning
- Synthesizing
Evaluating Information
- Source?
- Worldview
Who made it
- Commissioned it
- Funded it
- Who is expected to be influenced by it?
- Who has power to access and contest it if they need to?
- What purpose was the information made?
- Signs of patrix thinking?
- Constructive bias
- Validation
- Plausibility
Sabotaging critical thought
- Lack of respect for reason
- Intellectual arrogance
- Unwillingness to listen
- Lack of respect for evidence
- Intellectual laziness
- Rash conclusions
- Mystification
Reluctance to question
- Received wisdom
- Authority
- Tradition
Gaia University Models
- Embedded in action learning
- Intellectual discipline & rigour
- Clear expression of ideas
- Acceptance of personal responsibility for our own thinking
- Permaculture Ethics & Principles
- Aim to assess information comprehensively
- Support learners to be more able to identify and reject false ideas & ideologies
Strong references
- Our own thinking
Other people's thinking
- Literature
- Conversation with engaged actors
- Theories
- Metaphors
- 'There is nothing quite so practical as a theory' - Kurt Lewin
- Theories & models are not for people 'more intelligent' than us
Thinking models
- Insight/sensing
- Conjecture
- Hypothesis
- Theory