Unsurmountable obstacles in 2015
- Unstable domestic backing
Strong ambition with mediocre political communication
- TW ppl aren't convinced on the interactions cross-strait
Enduring suspicion and distrust of Beijing
BJ don't trust TW
int'l participation
- more involvement internationally=independence
after Sun Flower Movement
- social movements worried BJ
- Occupy Central enhance the belief
Richard Bush
Political dialogue
unlikely or even impossilbe
- civil opposition
- political gap
Ma-Xi meeting
- not impossible
contingent upon
- international vs. domestically
- party to party? leader to leader?
- reference to each other? media description?
- what do they seek to accomplish
TW international space/activity
restrictive or openness
- results in winning or losing the hearts and minds of TW ppl.
- military deterrence
TW facing 3 dilemma in economics
- degree of liberalization of economics
liberalization direction
- toward China
- toward other partners
- both (r's reccomendation)
- TW's react to Beijing's containment on TW participation