- -Hyper-Coagulation work up is usful in dx. of Venous thrombosis, not arterial embolization.
- Embolism when an embolus migrates from one part of the body to an other blocking the site where lodges= sudden S/S
-Thrombus is a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin=gradual S/S
- Stop Raloxifene 3 days before surgery to prevent DVT
1 to 3 days after the accident
Hx. of long bone or pelvic fracture CNS S/S+hypoxia+rash
Dx. Fat emboli
Subtopic 1
- Rx. I. Early surgery if needed and early moblization
instantly, sudden, pulslessness
I. Doppler U/S, II. Angio
Dx.Acute arterial occlusion
Rx. embolectomy with embolus histo-pathology to FIND the source of the embolus
- Cardiac 20% of all cases
- Echo-cardiac
- post MI Lt. Atrial Thrombosis
- Atrial myxoma
- Peripheral
- angiogrophy
- thromboangitis obliterans
- Atherosclerosis-emboli
hours after the accident
decrease blood flow to tissue , pain on passive motion, pallor, pulsless, necrosis, Rhabdomyolysis
Dx. Compartment Synd.
Inv. tissue pressure is more then 30 mmhg
- Rx.I. Remove any cast or covers, wait for an hour
II. Fasciotomy with in 12 hours.