1. border
    1. -color:
    2. -style:
      1. solid
      2. double
      3. groove
      4. inset
      5. outset
      6. ridge
    3. -width:
    4. -top
      1. -color:
      2. -style:
        1. solid
        2. double
        3. groove
        4. inset
        5. outset
        6. ridge
      3. -width:
    5. -right
      1. -color:
      2. -style:
        1. solid
        2. double
        3. groove
        4. inset
        5. outset
        6. ridge
      3. -width:
    6. -bottom
      1. -color:
      2. -style:
        1. solid
        2. double
        3. groove
        4. inset
        5. outset
        6. ridge
      3. -width:
    7. -left
      1. -color:
      2. -style:
        1. solid
        2. double
        3. groove
        4. inset
        5. outset
        6. ridge
      3. -width:
  2. Typography
    1. font
      1. font-family:
      2. color:
      3. font-size:
      4. font:style:
      5. font-weight:
      6. font-variant:
    2. text-align
    3. text-decoration
    4. text-indent
    5. text-transform
    6. line-height
  3. table-layout:
    1. auto
      1. Automatic table layout algorithm (this is default): * The column width is set by the widest unbreakable content in the cells
    2. fixed
      1. Fixed table layout algorithm: * The horizontal layout only depends on the table's width and the width of the columns, not the contents of the cells
    3. initial
    4. inherit