1. C&P1 Introduction to Language and Literature Education
    1. Nature of Language
    2. Relationship of
      1. 1. culture
      2. 2. Cognition
    3. Role of Language
      1. Child's
        1. 1. Socio-emotional Development
        2. 2. Cognitive Development
    4. Multilingualism- Indian Classroom
      1. 1) Linguistic Diversity
      2. II) Langauge Variation
      3. III) Hierarchies
        1. in Society
      4. IV) implication
        1. Language Classroom
    5. Language Acquisition Theories
      1. 1] L1 and L2
      2. 2] Second language acquisition (SLA)
      3. 3] MTBME
    6. Roles
      1. a) Language Planning
      2. b) Language Policies
      3. c) Home Language
      4. d) English in India
  2. C&P2 Curriculum and Pedagogy of Language
    1. Multilingual Context
      1. Teaching
      2. learning
      3. Language Classroom
    2. Language/ Literacy
      1. 1. Development Context
      2. 2. Sociocultural Context
      3. 3. Curricular Context
      4. Teaching/Learning
        1. In India
    3. Language/ Literacy Curricula
      1. 1) Aims
      2. II) Goals
      3. III) Principles
      4. Multilingual Contexts
    4. Theoretical Practices
      1. 1. Language Teaching
      2. 2. Language Learning
    5. Teaching Plan
      1. Implementing
        1. To engage Children
          1. Critically
    6. Formative Assessment Strategies
      1. 1. Administer
      2. 2. Interpret
  3. C&P3 Advanced Language and Literacy
    1. Critical Literacy
      1. for Equity
    2. Influence
      1. of Contextual variable
      2. in English Language Teaching
    3. Pedagogical
      1. 1. Principles
      2. 2. Practices
      3. 3. Critical Evaluation
        1. a) Approaches
        2. b) Methods
    4. Teaching Plan
      1. Develop
        1. a. Multilingual
        2. b. Critical Elements
    5. Reader/ Writer
      1. Reflecting on
        1. own Reading/ writing
    6. Pedagogically
      1. 1. Active
      2. 2. Scaffolded
      3. Ways of
        1. Engaging with
          1. 1. Literature
          2. 2. Writing
  4. C&P4 Curricular Materials Development in Language and Literature
    1. Language Curricular Material
      1. 1. Develop
      2. 2. Use
      3. 3. Evaluate
    2. Curricular Material Development
      1. Process
    3. Materials
      1. 1. Curriculum
      2. 2. Curricular Framework
      3. 3. Classroom Context
      4. Teacher
      5. Learner
    4. Analysis Language Curricular Materials
      1. school
      2. Across Grades
    5. Resources/ Materials
      1. 1. Prepare
      2. 2. Evaluate
      3. 3. Reflect
      4. For Language
        1. Learning
        2. Teaching