1. Epic / User Goal
  2. Activity / Task
  3. Application - # - Story title
  4. User
  5. CSR
    1. Identify and Verify Customer
      1. UD 79 Search Customer (Account number)
      2. CDI 519 Individual Customer Password
    2. Get Customer details
      1. UD 94 Display Customer Search Results
      2. UD 214 Multiple Accounts At One Address
      3. UD 334 Display additional Customer info
      4. UD 422 View Competitive Info Details
      5. UD 423 Display Customer Alerts
      6. UD 489 Display Mailing Address
      7. UD 513 Display Tax Exemption for a Customer
      8. UD 597 Display All Customers at an Address
      9. CDI 495 Search for Customer based on Account Number
      10. OE2 720 Retrieve Customer's Order History
      11. OE2 1030 Provide account info to UD based on serial number
      12. OE2 1043 Provide Account information to UD
    3. Record service metadata
      1. UD 332 Add/Update competitive info details
      2. UD 333 Add / Update Customer Alerts
      3. UD 359 Add Customer Notes
      4. UD 360 View notes
      5. UD 362 Update notes
    4. Manage Customer account
      1. CDI 360 Set Tax Exemptions on an Account
      2. CDI 439 Rules for Billing Address
      3. CDI 446 Rules for Customer (Contact + EBill) Email
      4. CDI 457 VIP Customer (Shaw family and executives)
      5. CDI 470 Generate Account #
      6. CDI 514 Competing Service (Memo codes)
      7. CDI 516 Customer Alerts and Sales Leads (AttentionCode)
      8. CDI 517 Update and Deletion of Notes
      9. CDI 521 Organization (Business) Customer Password
      10. CDI 527 Set Service Status on Account - Modify story
      11. CDI 529 Account Type
      12. CDI 545 Add Password to Customer and Contact - (Removed PIN)
      13. CDI 547 Customer Phone Numbers
      14. UD 234 Update Equipment Status
      15. UD 320 Display Billing preferences
        1. Manage Customer Billing cycle
          1. CDI 510 Set Initial Bill Cycle on Account
          2. CDI 522 Change Bill Cycle