1. The Kids
    1. Kids today are not different from past kids
    2. The tech has changed
    3. Social Network Sites are a place to hank out
  2. Properties & Features
    1. Properties & Features
    2. Friends
      1. Friends turn into your expected audience
      2. Friend Clusters
        1. 10s -- immediate friends
        2. 100s -- everybody at their school
        3. 1000s -- not the kides, they aren't connectors
      1. They are connversations
        1. No depth
        2. But it's the same as conversations in the hall
        3. It's social grooming
        4. You want to be seen having friends
    4. News Feed
      1. Constant feed of what you're friends are having for lunch
      2. It's about periferal awareness
      3. Not Twitter
        1. Average age of Twitter user is 31
  3. What does it mean
    1. They'd rather gather off line but lack of mobility
    2. What are the differences
      1. Persistence
        1. Conversation hangs around
      2. Replicability
        1. Copy & paste to other places
        2. Convenience
        3. But also bullying
      3. Scalability
        1. Available by millions of people
        2. Mostly you reach 10 people
        3. What scales is often what was humiliating (negative)
      4. Searchability
        1. You & your ideas are searchable
        2. Usually people who have power over you
          1. Parents
          2. The police
      5. (de)locatability
        1. GPS makes us findable
          1. Many Questions on the horizon
    3. Dynamics
      1. Invisible Audiences
        1. The immediate audience can nod back
          1. Assume English
          2. Knowledge
          3. Understanding
          4. Mutual Context
        2. But invisible audience is not connected "two-way"
          1. Can't make assumptions
      2. Collapsed Contexts
        1. We assume common contexts with audience
        2. Can't assume the same context of invisible audience
        3. Not new, but only celebrity before
          1. Stokely Carmichael Story
          2. We have to read the social network from the network's perspective
      3. Public = Private
        1. All mixed up -- Destablizing society
        2. Student Quote:
          1. Is home Private -- "No"
          2. Not private because they lack control
          3. Is is Internet Private -- "yes"
          4. Private because they're in control
    4. Network Sites:
      1. quote
        1. Myspace
          1. Lower castes
        2. Facebook
          1. Higher castes -- "more cultured and less cheesy."
        3. Mobile -- Don't really know what's going to happen here
      2. Problem
        1. Colleges are making asumptions from your networking site
        2. Race, immigration, socio-economic
    5. What does it mean for learning
      1. Sociality is not something else that we need to filter out
      2. Kids are learning important skills when they engage in social networks
        1. Work out boundaries
        2. Understand Norms
        3. Understand how Society Works
        4. These are skills that have to be worked through
      3. Learning to Learn
      4. Classroom?
        1. Just because students are using social networking doesn't mean that it can be fit into the classroom
        2. It has to be thought through pedagogically
        3. Have to use it in everyday life before you can fiture out how to use it in the classroom
        4. Problem with Social Networking sites in the classroom
          1. They are all about friending
          2. There assumptions that the kids will all want to friend each other and outside the classroom they do not all get along.
          3. Students are working out all sorts of social structure stuff on their networks
          4. You may not want to bring that into the classroom
        5. Social Media may be different
          1. Search has been changing
          2. Sharing differently
          3. But not curriculum
          4. Not using Delicious, but through AIM
          5. Live and breath on open information systems (Wikipedia)
          6. They don't understand where it's coming from what it's disadvantages and advantages are.
          7. They're producing their own content
          8. But they don't know how to think about it.
    6. The greatest disruption
      1. Making us rethink what our position is as adults
      2. Can't tell them, we have to open up a dialog