- Multidimensional
Pilot Testing
- small-scale trial
- to revise and finalize the materials and the methods
- Findings
- Interaction Research
- Pragmatics Research
Formal Models
- Acceptability Judgments
- Elicited Imitation
- Magnitude Estimation
- Truth-Value Judgments
- Sentence Matching
Processing Research
- Sentence Interpretation
- Reaction Time
- Moving Window
Interaction-Based Research
- Picture Description Tasks
- Spot the Difference
- Jigsaw Tasks
- Consensus Tasks
- Consciousness-Raising Tasks
- Computer-Mediated Research
Strategies and Cognitive Processes
- Observation
- Introspective Measures
- Stimulated Recall
- Think-Alouds or Online Tasks
- Immediate Recalls
Sociolinguistic/Pragmatics-Based Research
- Naturalistic Settings
- Elicited Narratives
- Discourse Completion Test (DCT)
- Role Play
- Video Playback for Interpretation
Questionnaires and Surveys
- attitudes and opinions
- Beliefs and motivations
- closed and open ended items