1. train
    1. composition
      1. tdcsfog/
      2. defog/
      3. notype/
      4. labeled data
      5. unlabeled
    2. fields
      1. Time
      2. AccV
        1. vertical
      3. AccML
        1. mediolateral
      4. AccAP
        1. anteroposterior
      5. StartHesitation
      6. Turn
      7. Walking
      8. Event
      9. Valid
        1. trustable annotation
      10. Task
        1. annotated or not
      11. the acceleration
        1. from a lower-back sensor on three axes: vertical, mediolateral, and anteroposterior.
      12. time step
      13. indicator variables
        1. ( for the occurrence of each of the event types)
      14. an indicator variable
        1. (for the occurrence of any FOG-type event)
      15. annotation information
  2. test
    1. composition
      1. time
      2. accelerometer
    2. fields
      1. Time
      2. AccV
      3. AccML
      4. AccAP
  3. unlabeled
    1. composition
      1. unannotated data series (from the daily dataset)
    2. fields
      1. Time
      2. AccV
      3. AccML
      4. AccAP
  4. metadata
    1. .csv
      1. both
        1. events.csv
          1. each FOG event metadata
          2. data series ID
          3. initiation time
          4. completion time
          5. event type
          6. kinetic property
        2. tasks.csv
          1. task metadata
          2. for series in the defog dataset.
        3. daily_metadata.csv
          1. metadata for each series in the daily dataset
          2. subject ID
          3. time of day the recording began
      2. hidden
        1. The tdcsfog_metadata.csv, defog_metadata.csv, and subjects.csv files in the hidden version of the data contain additional entries for the test set series. The hidden versions of these files are supersets of the public versions.
    2. fields
      1. subject ID
      2. visit
      3. test type
      4. medication condition
      5. age
      6. sex
      7. years
        1. since Parkinson's diagnosis
      8. UPDRSIIIOn/UPDRSIIIOff score
        1. UPDRS?
          1. Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) score
        2. So?
          1. the patient's UPDRSIII score while they were "on" and "off" medication
          2. just a tool
        3. for what?
          1. motor function, such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia
      9. NFOGQ score
        1. NFOGQ?
          1. New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire
          2. detail
          3. a self-report questionnaire used to measure the severity of freezing of gait (FOG) in people with Parkinson's disease
        2. So?
          1. just a tool
        3. for what?
          1. tracking
      10. task type