1. Has been an educator for 25 years
    1. Pretty interesting school of accomplishment (Grammy and Guinnis book of...
  2. What does Web 2.0 mean to eduction?
    1. It means everything
    2. But let's get beyond the hype
      1. What does it really mean to be well-educated?
      2. Statistics:
        1. Facebook
        2. Blogs
        3. Twitter
        4. Flickr
        5. Wikpedia
        6. YouTube
          1. 100 million videos, 1 million dollars a day for bandwidth, 4 years of content uploaded in a single day
      3. Blogging
        1. It's the hardes writing I've (Jakes) ever done
        2. You hit the [Submit] button, your writing is extended
          1. Gets discected by people around the world
      4. Kids are there
        1. Webkinz -- 6 million kids
        2. PopTropica -- 76 million kids
        3. Challenges the way that we do our jobs
      5. Disruptive Technologies
        1. Shows
          1. VR
          2. KZero graphic of who the virtual world is intended for
          3. Secondlife Panel for Learning 2.0 Conference
          4. GE Augmented reality
          5. Business cards with the same capability
          6. iPhone Augmented reality
          7. Urban Spoon
          8. Wikitude
          9. Swebapps
          10. With this you can build your own iPhone App
        2. What they say?
          1. Business asks -- how do we monetize this?
          2. Youth ask -- how do we hang out here?
          3. Nonprofits ask -- how do we use this for social change?
          4. Designers ask -- hos do we facilitate interaction?
          5. Politicians ask -- how do we get elected with this?
          6. Educators ask -- how do we teach with this?
      6. Everybody has ideas for how to do this!
        1. Examples
          1. NET-S
          2. Partnership for 21st Century Skills
          3. Horizon Report
          4. Knowledge Works 2020 Forecast
          5. MIT New Media
        2. The right solution depends on the school
      7. What is the difference between skills, literacy & Fluency
        1. Skills
        2. Literacy
          1. Is there a 21st Century Literacy?
        3. Fluency
          1. This should be our goal
        4. I would love to learn more from David's notions about Literacy, Skills, and Fluencies
      8. Teaching the kids
        1. Kids Fluencies
          1. Texting
          2. Social Networking
          3. They are friend-based
        2. They need an "educational intervention"
          1. Term by MacAurther Foundation researcher, Mimi Ito
          2. Seems to be saying that we need to integrate learning into the social networking than integrating social networking into the classroom
      9. Terms are important
        1. Don't talk about social networking. Instead talk about networked learning
        2. Doesn't like Web 2.0
          1. Prefers to call it Platform of connective technologies
    3. Process at David's School
      1. Start with a vision
        1. Framed in terms of literacy
        2. Are there new literacies?
          1. It's a good question
          2. Schools need to be asking this question
          3. It was a 1.5-year conversation
          4. Stephen Downes says
          5. The Internet has introduced us to a world in which we can communicate with each other in a wide variety of media, where formally we could only talk and sing to each other, now we can create videos, author animations, link to videos and images and cartoons, and more, mix and match these in a complex open-ended vocabulary."
          6. What it means to be literate in such an information age is fundamentally distinct from the literacy of the 3Rs, and teaching new literacy an evolving challenge for those of us still struggling to learn it."
          7. Considering this, if handed a notebook and pencil and told, we're going to become literate, what that work today?
          8. Jason Ohler says, "Being Literate in a rea-world sense means being able to read and write using the media forms of the day, whatever they may be..."
          9. Donald Leu says, "Do you see the Internet (and Web 2.0) as 'a context in which to read, write, and communicate?'"
      2. Rethink the dimensions of learning spaces?
        1. Jakes doesn't like classrooms
        2. His model
          1. Physical space
          2. Physical space is wrapped in a digital space
          3. digital and physical space must interface
          4. Must blend
          5. Core skills appear in the physical space (classroom
        3. Think about different learning
          1. Formal
          2. Informal
          3. Synchronous
          4. Asynchronous
        4. Information and Content can flow in and flow out
        5. What they came up with
          1. Core Skills
          2. Communication
          3. Critical Thinking
          4. Collaboration
          5. Creativity
          6. Citizenship
          7. More that showed up and ran across all the others
          8. intellectual curiosity and adaptability
          9. Tools:
          10. Collaboration
          11. Wikis
          12. Google Apps
          13. Critical thinking
          14. Collaboration
          15. Creativity
          16. Citizenship
        6. David's school Established
          1. Informal space for students
          2. Informal space for teachers
          3. with food
          4. Private collaboration spaces with writable wall paper
          5. Netbook Cart
          6. Classroom tables on wheels
          7. Kids use EtherPad
          8. Starting to see a blurring between the digital and physical
        7. Four Elements
          1. Knowledge Commons (physical space)
          2. Course Learning Space (Moodle)
          3. Prefer not to call it Course Management System
          4. Kids want Moodle on their Cell Phones "MoMo"
          5. Physical Learning Space
          6. Student Learning Space (Google Apps)
          7. They can take their learning artifacts with them