- Topic
- Topic
Data Recovery
- Topic
- Topic
- Topic
Data Recovery
- Topic
- Pricing
- Discounts
Suppliers / Inventory
Type and amount of inventory
- On Demand / Basic Inventory
- Credit and delivery policies
- History and reliability
- More than one supplier?
- Do you expect shortages or short-term delivery problems?
- Are supply costs steady or fluctuating?
What is essential to have when meeting with client?
- Format Discs
- Jumpers
- Internet Access
- Diagnostic Tools
- Power Supply Tester
- Flashlight
Should common pieces be stocked?
- SATA Cables
- IDE Cable
- Jumpers
- Operating Systems / Reformat
- Will we (at first) sell operating systems?
- Neccesary for the customer to have their own?
- Type of labor
- Pay structure
- Who does which tasks?
- Are schedules and written procedures prepared?
- Small Business Licence
Preventing lawsuits
Service Agreement
- Cannot be held responsible for unforseen circumstances
- Any pre-existing conditions are not our responsibilty
- We are not liable for any "freak" occurances
Target Customers
For Home Users
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Income Level
- Occupation
- Education
Business/Small Business
- Industry (or portion of an industry)
- Location
- Size of firm
- Quality
- Technology
- Price preferences
- What qualities do you need in a location?
Physical requirements
- Amount of space?
- Type of building?
- Power and other utilities
- Is it important that your location be convenient to transportation or to suppliers?
- Do you need easy walk in access?
- Occupation expenses
- rent
- maintenance
- utilities
- insurance
- initial remodeling costs
- What will be your business hours?
Marketing Plan
- Current demand in target market
Trends in target market
- trends in consumer preferences
- trends in product development
- Growth potential and opportunity for a business of your size
What barriers to entry do you face in entering this market with your new company?
Consumer acceptance: (Yes/No)
- If yes, then what are they?
- What are strategies to overcome this barrier?
Brand recognition: (Yes/No)
- If yes, then what are the current brands?
- What are strategies to overcome this barrier?
Training and skills: (Yes/No)
- If yes, then what are they?
- What are strategies to overcome this barrier barrier?
Shipping costs: (Yes/No)
- If yes, then what are they?
- What are the strategies to overcome this barrier?
How could the following affect your company?
Change in the economy
- Positive
- Negative
- What are strategies to overcome the potential negative affects?
Change in your industry
- Positive
- Negative
- What are strategies to overcome the potential negative affects?
Products and Services
- Specifications
What factors will give you competitive edge?
- Quality?
- Unique?
- Proprietary features?
What are the ___?
- Costs
- Prices
- Fee
Customer Perspective
- What is special about it?
- Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- What will the product do for the customer?
- Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
What after-sale services will you give?
- Service Plans?
- Technical Support
- What products and companies will compete with you?
List your major competitors
- Geek Squad
Will they compete with you...?
Across the board: (Yes/No)
- If yes, what are their advantages?
- What strategies can you deploy to gain the advantage?
Just for certain products: (Yes/No)
- If yes, what products?
- What strategies are there to differentiate you?
Just for certain customers: (Yes/ No)
- If yes, what customers?
- What strategies are there to give you the advantage?
Just for certain locations: (Yes/ No)
- If yes, what locations?
- What strategies are there to give you the advantage?
How will you products or services compare with the competition?
Competitive Analysis table
- Factor
- DB Techs
- Strength
- Weaknesses
- Geek Squad
- Strength
- Importance to Customer
- Weakness
- Products
- x
- *
- x
- Price
- x
- ****
- x
- Quality
- x
- *****
- x
- Service
- x
- ***
- x
- Reliability
- x
- ****
- x
- Stability
- x
- ***
- x
- Expertise
- ?
- ?
- *****
- x
- Company Reputation
- x
- ***
- x
- Location
- x
- ***
- x
- Appearance
- ----
- ----
- ****
- ----
- ----
- Sales Method
- x
- *****
- x
- Advertising
- x
- ***
- x
- Image
- x
- ***
- x
- What is it?
- Where is it in the market?
- How will you get the word out to customers?
- What media?
- Why?
- How often?
- Why this mix?
- Identify low-cost methods to get the most out of your promotional budget?
What methods will you use other than paid advertising?
- Word of mouth
- If yes, how?
- Network of friends / professionals
- If yes, who?
- What image do you want to project?
- How do you want customers to see you?
What plans do you have for graphic image support?
- Logo design
- Cards
- Letterhead
- Brochures
- Signage
- Interior design
- Should you have a system to identify repeat customers and then systematically contact them?
Compare your prices with those of the competition.
- Are they higher,lower, or the same?
- Why?
How important is price as a competitive factor?
- Do your intended customers really make their purchase decisions mostly on price?
- What will be your customer service and credit policies?
Proposed Location
Is your location important to your customers?
- If yes, how?
If customers come to your place of business:
- Is it convenient?
- Parking?
- Interior spaces?
- Not out of the way?
- is it consistent with your image?
- Is it what customers want and expect?
Where is the competition located?
- Is it better for you to be near them or distant?
Distribution Channels
- How do you sell your products or services?
- Contact Info
Services Offered
- Online Services
- In-House Services