1. Atopic Dermatitis
    1. Definition
      1. Immune-mediated skin inflammation, with typically a genetic component.
    2. Incidence
      1. Infants
        1. 2 mo. - 2 years
          1. cheeks, perioral, scalp, extensor tops of feet
      2. Childhood
        1. 2 - 12 years
          1. flexural surfaces
          2. lichenification
      3. Adult
        1. 12 - adult
          1. flexural hands, upper eyelids or diffuse over body
    3. Etiology
      1. Genetic
        1. atopy
      2. Allergies
        1. food & enviro.
      3. Nutri. deficiencies
    4. Signs & Symptoms
      1. Agg
        1. wool, sweating, dry skin, tight clothing, stress
      2. Lesions on face
        1. red, weeping & crusted
      3. Spread to neck, flexor surfaces of elbow, knee, butocks, neck and hands
    5. DDx
      1. Seborrheic dermatitis
      2. Contact dermatitis
      3. Nummular dermatitis
      4. Candida
      5. Scabies
      6. Tinea
  2. Contact Dermatitis
    1. Irritant Contact Dermatitis
      1. Definition
        1. Acute inflammation caused by irritants or allergens
        2. Soap, chemicals, oils, wood dust, fiberglass, body fluids
      2. Clinical Presentation
        1. dorsal and palmar surfaces
        2. around mouth of chronic lip lickers
      3. Signs & Symptoms
        1. erythema
          1. dryness
          2. painful cracking or fissures
        2. Acute
          1. papules
          2. weeping
          3. w. edema
        3. Chronic
          1. lichenification
          2. excoriations
          3. scaling
    2. Allergic Contact Dermatitis
      1. Definition
        1. Hypersensitivity reaction with an initial sensitization,
        2. reaction on re-exposure
      2. Etiology
        1. DRUGS!
          1. Neomycin
          2. Bacitracin
          3. Hydrocotisone
        2. Latex
        3. Metals
        4. Lotion
          1. sunscreen
          2. nail polish
          3. perfume
        5. Plants
          1. Poison Ivy
          2. Poison Oak
          3. Poison Sumac
      3. Clinical Presentation
      4. Signs & Symptoms
        1. pruritic
        2. ulceration
        3. vesiculization
    3. DDx
      1. Seborrheic derm
      2. Atopic derm
      3. Nummular derm
      4. Tinea
  3. Lichen Simplex Chronicus
    1. Definition
      1. aka
        1. Neurodermatitis
      2. chronic pruritis that causes an extreme scratch-itch-scratch cycle
    2. Etiology
      1. Unknown
    3. Clinical Presentation
      1. Back of neck
      2. Wrists/ankles
      3. Pubic region
    4. Signs & Symptoms
      1. Plaques
        1. Pruritis
        2. Dry scaling skin
        3. Hyperpigmentation
          1. red/purple
        4. irregular shapes
    5. DDx
      1. tinea
      2. lichen planus
      3. psoriasis
  4. Seborrheic Dermatitis
    1. Definition
      1. Inflammation of skin in high-density areas of sebaceous glands
      2. aka
        1. Cradle cap
          1. newborns
    2. Incidence
      1. 2 -12 months old
      2. 30 - 50 years old
      3. M>W
    3. Etiology
      1. Malazzezia fungi
      2. nutritional deficiency
    4. Signs & Symptoms
      1. Onset
        1. gradual
        2. red plaques w. greasy-look
        3. yellow scales in sebaceous gland rich areas
          1. scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, face
          2. axillae, nasolabial folds
    5. Prognosis
      1. INC susceptibility to
        1. HIV +
          1. mb sxs
        2. Parkinson's
        3. Neuroleptic medications
    6. DDx
      1. Atopic derm
      2. Contact derm
      3. Psoriasis
        1. may overlap
      4. Tinea
      5. Cutaneous lupus
      6. Rosacea
  5. Nummular Dermatitis
    1. Definition
      1. Inflammation of the skin in a coin-shaped pattern
    2. Incidence
      1. mid-aged pts
        1. with dry skin
      2. M>W
    3. Etiology
      1. Idiopathic
      2. Staph aureus?
    4. Clinical Presentation
      1. extensor surfaces
      2. buttocks
      3. trunk
      4. legs
        1. often begins here
    5. Signs & Symptoms
      1. exceedingly purritic
        1. crusting
    6. Physical Exam
      1. 1 - 50 lesions
    7. DDx
      1. Tinea corporis
      2. Scabies
      3. Seborrheic dermatitis
      4. Fungus
      5. Paget's dz
        1. when on breast
  6. Statis Dermatitis
    1. Definition
      1. Persistent dermatitis
        1. lower legs
          1. esp.
          2. ANKLES
    2. Etiology
      1. chronic venous insufficiency
      2. Staph aureus
    3. Pre-dispositions
      1. DVT
      2. surgery trauma
    4. Clinical Presentation
      1. brown/bronze pigmentation
      2. complaints
        1. heaviness/aching in legg
          1. agg
          2. walking/standing
          3. at the end of day
    5. Physical Exam
      1. edema
        1. legs
      2. petechiae
      3. fissures
        1. dry
          1. weeping
          2. crysting
        2. ulcers
    6. DDx
      1. Cellulitis
      2. Contact dermatitis
      3. Tinea