1. Goals
      1. Sometimes difficult to get at - but it is our work as designers
      2. Holistic Management
      3. Appreciative Inquiry
      4. PASER
        1. Plants
        2. Animals
        3. Structures
        4. Events
        5. Resources
      5. Elements Required List
    2. Analyze
      1. Inputs/outputs
      2. String Diagram
        1. Rezoning
        2. Data Collection
      3. Robert Fritz Model
        1. Start with the real appraisal
        2. Move toward vision
        3. Both current state & vision may move as you move
        4. Many Paths to same goal
          1. Path of least resistance
          2. Path of greatest challenge
        5. The gap between appraisal and vision is the creative tension
      4. "Crucial to generating self-governing design. Deficit in input creates work, deficit in output creates pollution." -Bill Mollison
    3. Design
      1. Prep is 9/10s of the work
      2. With good prep work the design emerges largely on its own
      3. Form follows Function
      4. Relative Location
      5. Micro-climates
      6. Maximise Edge
      7. Succession
      8. Diversity
      9. Patterns
      10. Function Stacking
      11. Zoning & Elevation
      12. Sectors
      13. Scale of Permanence
        1. Climate
        2. Landform
        3. Water
        4. Legal Issues
        5. Access & Circulation
        6. Vegetation & Wildlife
        7. Buildings & Infrastructure
        8. Microclimate
        9. Zones of Use
        10. Soils
        11. Aesthetics
    4. Implement
      1. Phases
      2. Gantt
    5. Evaluate
      1. DESIGN IT IN!
      2. Check accuracy
        1. Time
        2. Money
      3. Outcome mapping
    1. Goals
    2. Survey
      1. Data Gathering
    3. Analyze
    4. Design
    5. Implement
    6. Maintain
      1. All systems require it
      2. Favor low maintenance systems
    7. Evaluate
    8. Tweak
  3. Soft Systems
    1. Design Web by Looby Macnamara
      1. Soft systems
      2. Relationships
      3. Perspectives
      4. Boundaries