1. Theory and concepts
    1. Laws vs tendencies
      1. Regular patterns
      2. Variations
    2. Goals
      1. Find patterns
        1. Regular patterns
        2. Smaller patterns
      2. Meanings
    3. Theory process
      1. Creater
      2. Examine
      3. Refine
    4. Theory
      1. Interrelated ideas
        1. Patterns
        2. Concepts
        3. Processes
        4. Relationships
        5. Events
      2. System
        1. Logical statements
        2. Prpositions
      3. Relationship
        1. Two or more objects
        2. Concepts
        3. Phenomena
        4. Characteristics of humans
      4. Explanations
      5. Predictions
      6. Variables
    5. Concepts
      1. Elements
        1. Symbolic
        2. Abstract
      2. Represent
        1. Objects
        2. Properties
        3. Features
        4. Processes
        5. Phenomenon
      3. Communicate
        1. Ideas
        2. Partiular perspectives
        3. Thinking
        4. Share information
      4. Key elements
        1. Specificity
        2. Relevant
      5. Clusters
        1. Propositions
          1. Testable
        2. Relationships
      6. Hypotheses
        1. Testable propositions
        2. Relations
        3. Research concepts
  2. Ideas and theory
    1. One idea
      1. Research project
      2. Driver
        1. Research endeavors
        2. Central research orientation
        3. Establish a focus
    2. Origin
      1. Taking stock of yourself
      2. Looking around
      3. IInformation you hear
      4. World as a research laboratory
    3. Models
      1. Theory before research
        1. Ideas (Conjetures)
        2. Theory
        3. Empirical research (Refutation)
      2. Research before theory
        1. Research
          1. New problems
        2. Theory
          1. Theoretical innovation
          2. Refine existing theories
          3. Variations on past theoretical assumptions
    4. Stages
      1. Idea
      2. Theory
        1. Literature review
      3. Design
      4. Data
        1. Collection
        2. Organization
      5. Analysis
      6. Findings
      7. Dissemination
    5. Progression
      1. Linear
        1. One stage after the other
        2. Order
        3. Completition
      2. Spiraling
        1. No completition
        2. Refining
        3. Fluidity
          1. Potential research questions
          2. Shift
          3. Change
          4. Forms
  3. Reviewing the literature
    1. Others
      1. Thoughts
      2. Researched
      3. Essay on the boackground to your topic
    2. Purpose: readers
      1. Background
        1. Bring readers up to speed
        2. Introduces major concepts
        3. Does not introduce concepts you don't need
        4. Provides the motivation
      2. Educate your readers
      3. Understand and follow
      4. Need of your work
    3. Goal
      1. Eduvate yourself
      2. Learning who the key authors are
      3. Become familiar sith vocabolary
      4. Think about the meaning of the findings
      5. Make the work unique
    4. Not be too restrictive
    5. Topics
    6. Reference materials in indexes
    7. Thesaurus
    8. Web sites
      1. Internet
        1. Document delivery service
          1. Safest
          2. Databases
          3. Journals
        2. Document repository
          1. Quality
          2. Integrity
      2. Invalid research
        1. Abstracts
        2. Blogs
        3. Magazines
        4. Rants
        5. Encylopedias
      3. Evaluate documents
        1. Whose web site is it?
        2. What's in the URL?
        3. What is the nature of the domain?
          1. Official government?
          2. Private group?
          3. Special purpose?
        4. Current or dated?
        5. Can the information be corroborated?
          1. Comparable sites
          2. Comparable information
    9. Content vs Use
      1. What does it say?
        1. Record full citation
        2. Identify major
          1. Claims
          2. Methods
          3. Subject matter of the work
        3. Notes
          1. Best parts
          2. Quotable explanations
          3. Exactly
          4. Quotation marks
          5. Page numbers
          6. Definitions
          7. Findings
        4. Avoid paraphrase
        5. Save keywords
          1. Describe content
          2. Identify sourcee files
          3. Categories
          4. Similar statements by different authors
        6. Good record keeping
      2. How does this relate to me?
        1. Construction
          1. Old work
          2. What is currently known
          3. Take the best
          4. Form a solid ground
          5. New work
          6. Place our own work
          7. New contributions
        2. Use our work to go beyond our surces
        3. Goals
          1. Disple myths
          2. Explain competing conceptual frameworks
          3. Clarify the focus of your own work
          4. Justify assumptions
      3. Map out strategies
        1. Major claims of the literature
        2. Order to address them
        3. What you want your readers to understand
        4. Produce a coherent essay
          1. Introduction
          2. Conclusion
    10. Sections
      1. Introduction
        1. Explain
        2. Topics
      2. Research question and design
        1. Support
        2. How are constructed
      3. Body
        1. Background to your work
  4. Theory, reality and the social world
    1. Flexibility and diversity
    2. Tensions
      1. Rigorous standards
      2. Phenomenological approach
    3. Reality
      1. Congnitive reality
        1. Anything is possible
      2. Sensor reality
        1. Clear limitations
        2. World around you
  5. Framing research problems
    1. Research questions
    2. Clear research problem statement
    3. Problem statement
  6. Operationalization and conceptualization
    1. Define the concept
      1. Goals
        1. Ensure
          1. Same definition
          2. Same mental image
        2. Concretize the intended meaning
        3. Particular study
        4. Provide som criteria
        5. Measuring the empirical existence
      2. Reader doesn't need necessarily to agree
      3. About the concept
        1. What you know
        2. What you mean
      4. Use literature review
        1. Introduce other working definitions
        2. Change formal definitions
    2. Operationalize the concept
      1. Measure it
      2. Empirical information
        1. Behaviours
        2. Observation
      3. How to gather it
        1. Data
        2. Attributes
    3. Operationalize the concept
  7. Designing projects
    1. Key caracteristics
      1. How the study will be conducted
      2. How the research study will be undertaken
        1. Thinking about
        2. Imagining
        3. Visualizing
      3. Define goals and criteria for inclusion
      4. Enough specificity
      5. What you actually want to do
      6. Pacing
        1. Possible glitches
        2. Planning
        3. Sequence of components
        4. Movement
          1. Data gathering
          2. Data anlaysis
        5. Decision making
        6. Flexibility
      7. Define requirements
        1. Ethical standards
        2. Among what group or groups
        3. Where will the research be undertaken
        4. Data collection strategies
          1. Single strategy
          2. Several strategies
      8. Decisions
        1. Research idea
        2. Types of inteformation will be gathered
        3. What forms of data-colection technologies
        4. Team?
    2. Concept mapping
      1. Characteristics
        1. Relationships
          1. Ideas
          2. Concepts
          3. Plans of actions
        2. Pictorical representation
          1. Ideas
          2. Plans
          3. Connections
        3. Organize
          1. Ideas
          2. Plans
          3. Thinking
        4. Develop your theoretical frame
      2. Propositions
        1. Nodes
        2. Lines
        3. Labels
      3. Valueble to involve relevant stakeholder groups
      4. Process
        1. Read widely on your subject
        2. Examine the literature
        3. Amass relevant documents on the topic
        4. Record about 10 or 12 key concepts or ideas
        5. List out the concepts on one page
        6. Rearrange concepts
          1. Abstratct ideas
          2. Specific ideas
        7. Separate columns
          1. Related ideas
          2. Add
          3. Concepts
          4. Labels
          5. Explain
          6. Connect
          7. Expand
        8. Cluster of ideas
          1. Broader concepts
          2. Specific concepts
        9. Making sense of clustered ideas
          1. Review literature
          2. Assign descriptive labels
        10. Describe examples
        11. Reorganize concepts
          1. Relationships
          2. Viaually apparent
        12. Refining stange
    3. Setting as a data-collection site
      1. Be practical
      2. Reasonable in
        1. Size
        2. Complexity
      3. Time and budget
      4. Level of skyll
      5. Requirements
        1. Access is possible
        2. Target population likely to be available
        3. Avilability
          1. Focus
          2. Process
          3. People
          4. Programs
          5. Interactions
          6. Structures
        4. Research conducted effectively
      6. Guided by the research question
      7. Identify an appropriate population
    4. Sampling strategies
      1. Representative
        1. Sample
        2. Small group vs larger population
      2. Probability samples
        1. Simple random sample
          1. Equal
          2. Independent chance
          3. Inclusion
        2. Systematic random sampling
        3. Stratified random sampling
      3. Nonprobability samples
        1. Described but not enumerated
        2. Quasi-random sample
        3. Clear idea
          1. Larger group
          2. Sample may reflect
        4. Doesn't require a list of all possible elements
        5. Types
          1. Convenience samples
          2. Subjects
          3. Available subjects
          4. Close at hand
          5. Easily accesible
          6. Obtaining preliminary information
          7. Evaluate very carefully
          8. Purposive samples
          9. Subjects
          10. Researcher expertise
          11. Group selection
          12. Serious limitations
          13. Rich and textured description
          14. Snowball samples
          15. Chain referral sampling
          16. Locate subjects
          17. Certain attributes
          18. Certain characteristics
          19. Identify core group
          20. Relevant characteristics
          21. Referrals
          22. Quota samples
          23. Cells or stratum
          24. Attributes
          25. Study focuses
          26. Matrix
  8. Data
    1. Data collection and organization
      1. What the data will look like
      2. Raw data
        1. Audiotape cassettes
        2. SPril notebooks
        3. Photographs
        4. Video recordings
        5. Observational checklists
      3. What do you do with the data
      4. Qualitative data is not easily handled
      5. Avoid transform
        1. Qualitative data
        2. Symbolic numeric representations
    2. Data storage, retrieval and analysis
      1. Main concerns
        1. Ensure high quality accesibility to the data
        2. Documentation of any analysis that is carried out
        3. Related analysis od documents
          1. Retenttion
          2. Protection
      2. Data reduction
        1. coded
          1. Readily accesible
          2. Understandable
          3. Draw out
          4. Themes
          5. Patterns
        2. Need for
          1. Focusing
          2. Simplifying
          3. Transforming
          4. Raw data
          5. Mangaeableform
      3. Data display
        1. Presented as
          1. Organized
          2. Compressed
        2. Permits
          1. Conclusions
          2. Analysis
        3. Tools
          1. Tables of data
          2. Sheets of themes
          3. Summaries or proportions
          4. Various statements
          5. Terms
          6. Grouping of data
        4. Patterns in the data
      4. Conclusions and verification
        1. Conclusions
          1. Outputs
          2. Informed evaluations
          3. Informed decissions
          4. Analytical conclusions may emerge
        2. Verification
          1. Confirm conclusions
          2. Real
          3. Check path
          4. Involve another researcher
          5. Assuring processes are clearly articulated
          6. Replication
          7. Very well documented process
  9. Dissemination
    1. Final stage
    2. Reports
    3. Informa presentations
    4. Formal presentations