1. 1. Dream
    1. Introduction to the Dream
  2. 2. Purpose People
    1. I don't want to be the same as everyone else in the Dream
    2. Thinking about moving far away
  3. 3. Letting Go
    1. I'm letting go of thoughts of possibilities of a girl in Big Hill
    2. I'm trying to discern God's will for my life
  4. 4. Xishi Appears
    1. I'm wondering why conversation is so fake between the cultures in the Dream
    2. I see Xishi for the first time... but I think that she's too young
    3. I see the Dancer for the first time... but I don't know much about her
  5. 5. Little Secrets
    1. I become a member of the Dream's worship band
    2. Confused by relationships in the Dream's worship band
    3. David must like Flower
  6. 6. Black Lake
    1. Realizing I don't belong in the Dream
    2. Inviter and Mama seem to be interested in me
    3. I later hear from the Watcher that Xishi is actually my age
  7. 7. August from July
    1. Wonder why I'm trying to fit into a group that just reminds me of old times
    2. Xishi is become more interesting to me
  8. 8. Photographs
    1. Why is Xishi taking photos of me at the picnic?
    2. Tried to communicate but she didn't see the message.
    3. Xishi asks me at a later lunch (while sitting next to David,) if it's me that's been viewing her profile.
  9. 9. Winds of Change
    1. Change is coming in my life
    2. Momo-chan seems to no longer be wearing a ring
    3. The Inviter and Xishi are asking me questions
  10. 10. The Road
    1. Confused which way to go in life
    2. I'm still just an observer
    3. What does David's ring mean?
  11. 11. Now or Never
    1. Testing out the waters with Xishi by asking if she'll sing a song with me
    2. Turning point in my time in the Dream
  12. 12. Hard to Get
    1. Xishi decides to sing a song with me
    2. But Xishi is playing hard to get... is there someone else?
    3. She seems like she is starting to warm up to me... but remains hard to get... why?
  13. 13. Like a Shadow
    1. Xishi seems to appear and then disappear when I'm around
    2. It's hard to know what she is really thinking from her pet phrases
  14. 14. Muddy Ditch
    1. My life is not going anywhere lately
    2. Mad at Xishi... I don't see any reason to pursue her
  15. 15. Jacob and Rachel
    1. If Xishi's the right girl... I don't mind waiting a long time to see if she ever changes her mind about me
    2. And there is another... but time and space naturally restrains me
  16. 16. Don't Bother
    1. Xishi still bothers me
    2. Xishi must have her sights set on the Wise One
    3. Xishi's parents now think I'm not interested in Xishi (make sure to connect the Inviter and the Mama with "parents")
  17. 17. Purple Folder
    1. Had to call Xishi's house to talk with parents about a trip
    2. Taking a trip with the Mama and other women who keep asking me questions... do they know about me and Xishi?
    3. I see Xishi's folder that makes me rethink her heart
    4. Trying to understand dreams I've been having and again, God's will
    5. The whole time I was talking with Xishi, we were using her family's language... am I finally fitting in?
  18. 18. She Can Wait
    1. Xishi only has eyes for David
    2. Xishi is only waiting for David to return
    3. I don't need Xishi
  19. 19. You and I
    1. Might have the chance to see Momo-chan again
    2. Momo-chan and I at least have sort of history
    3. I'm done with thinking about Xishi
  20. 20. Trying Times
    1. I'm about to leave but hear about trouble with Xishi's dad
    2. But... she only likes David and I am afraid of commitment anyway
    3. Yet... I can't run away from Xishi now... especially when David's gone
  21. 21. Line to Home
    1. My chance to go back home... but I'm not sure now
    2. Xishi seems to be calling David on the phone lately
    3. Xishi tries to sell me on the Dancer
    4. I finally decide that I should go home... and write a sloppy thank you letter to Xishi
  22. 22. Across the World
    1. I'm finally home... but I still feel alone
    2. Reunion with Hey You and Momo-chan
    3. Hey You is no longer wearing a ring
    4. Momo-chan's dad talks with me
    5. I hate having come back... maybe I made the wrong decision
  23. 23. At the Door
    1. Nothing much has changed in my old home
    2. Momo-chan's unexpectedly at my door
    3. When seeing me, Momo-chan says she's saved in many ways
  24. 24. Nervous
    1. Momo-chan seems nervous when I'm around
    2. I'm too nervous to play my songs for a summer concert
    3. I tried to catch up with Momo-chan but failed
  25. 25. For Your Heart
    1. Things aren't turning out how I'd hoped
    2. Feel like God is teaching me some lessons, though
    3. Realize that I'm only fooling myself these days
    4. Trying to seek God's heart
  26. 26. The Letter
    1. I write a letter for Momo-chan
    2. Wish I could have written a better letter...
  27. 27. Last Night
    1. Momo-chan brought me home
    2. I'm still hoping for Momo-chan
    3. Last time I've ever talked to her... and it was only goodbyes
  28. 28. Coming Back
    1. Time to go back home (to the Dream)
    2. I'd hoped that things would turn out differently
    3. Met up with friends before flying back
  29. 29. Looking Away
    1. Wish things would turn out my way someday
    2. But it's me who is always focusing on the wrong path
    3. Wondering again about Xishi... now that I'm back in the Dream
  30. 30. Heavy Snow
    1. Why is Xishi crying?
    2. I'm stuck here in the Dream
    3. I'm not crying for Xishi
  31. 31. Baby Brother
    1. Xishi isn't talking to me lately
    2. Xishi is busy with Little Brother
    3. My life does not revolve around Xishi
  32. 32. Miyagi to Daniel
    1. No matter what I do it's not enough to attract Xishi's attention
    2. I'm still interested in Xishi
    3. Voice of reason is telling me to not worry about Xishi
  33. 33. Castaway
    1. Feeling like I'm not part of the Dream
    2. Thinking about a far away friend
  34. 34. Midnight Eyes
    1. Feels like I'm right where I should be (next to Xishi)
    2. But Xishi is still thinking about David
    3. Why can't it be us?
  35. 35. One Chance
    1. Only chance to ask Xishi out and I blew it off (only Anaki and the Eldest are around)
    2. We all go to camp for the weekend
    3. I see Xishi patting Little Brother's head...
    4. Little Brother is my group leader
    5. Xishi seems scared of me because I ignore her
    6. Other times Xishi acts like we are friends...