job search
- atleast 50 jobs before sunday evening
refine resume-make it 2 pages-add new projects
- Topic
- review gyan again and ask questions/doubts from gokil
- discuss with karthik on graduation& job serach plan
- talk to mittal and muthu
- start working for ansys
- appa 3 times
- amma five times
- karthik thrice
- prem, kumaresh, jai,sandip,manasa,jacob,kirthi,lux,balaji,rajesh,kurien,ekanth,selvakumar,anoop
- arun-thrice
- sangi-once
- nithya -twice
- start thinking about what kind of girl would fit me
- how to handle mrm
- plan for marriage
physical fitness/health
- run 8 times 6 rounds/time
- 20tks daily twice
- meals at 8am 12 pm 5pm and 10pm
- sleep from 12-7 am
- talk to palu about graduating and defending thesis-general timeline plan
- start talking to palu about actual things to do for project
- start doing project vigorously-target july 15
getting organized
- daily planning and review-previous night 1130-12pm
- check progress and goals every hour
- read affirmations after each meal-4 times daily
- 8 hours of effort daily-focus by enduring more and more
- being on time everytime
pt job
- ask for summer assignment
- do the best i can in hours assigned
sharpening saw
- solid mech 14 hours