1. Contact the author
    1. tigerman@thejungleroom.co.uk
    2. Twitter: @GarryGomersall
  2. People
    1. Systems of Interaction
      1. Delivers controlled access to Systems of Engagement
      2. Multi-channel
      3. Mobile
      4. App'ified access to services
      5. Provides opportunity to Sell, Service, and improve customer experience
      6. Omni-channel requires "context state" to be preserved over time
        1. Controlled via the System(s) of Engagement
    2. User Constituencues
      1. Customer
      2. Partner
      3. Employee
      4. Executive
      5. Director
      6. Shareholder
      7. Regulator
  3. Process
    1. Systems of Engagement
      1. Manifests the End-End <user> Experience
      2. Implements the Business Operating Model
      3. Controls Access to Business Systems thru Process Veneer
      4. Manages "context state" for Omni-channel interactions
        1. Persisting context in the System of Record
      5. Maintains Process Integrity
    2. Digitised Processes
      1. Prosuming and Consuming Big Data
      2. Agile in response to external stimuli
      3. Work distributed intelligently
      4. Muti and Omni-channel capable
    3. Business Process(es), Policies and Procedures
      1. Business Simplification, Visibility and Control
        1. Standardised Processes
        2. Knowledge Worker Productivity
        3. Managing known/unknown process variations
      2. Process Topologies
        1. Human-task centric
        2. Information centric
        3. Straight Thru Processing
        4. System centric
      3. Workflow choreography
      4. Orchestration
      5. Instrumented
    4. Business Rules
      1. Operational Decision Management
        1. Routes thru a process
        2. Process Variants
        3. Trigger New Process(es), and sub-processes
        4. Alerts
      2. Business Agility
      3. Patterns
        1. Next Best Action (NBA)
          1. Marketing
        2. OODA Loop
          1. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
          2. John Boyd
          3. Anti-pattern:
          4. Load, Fire, Aim.
  4. Information
    1. Systems of Record
      1. Maintains Transaction Integrity
      2. Bi-Temporal
        1. Effectivity managed over time
          1. Valid Time
          2. Transaction Time
    2. BIG DATA
      1. Web Link
        1. http://www.xmind.net/m/ysm3/
    3. Actors
      1. Producers
        1. Lifecycle Management
        2. Publishing
        3. Aggregation
        4. Metadata
        5. Materialised Views
      2. Consumers
        1. Security Policy
        2. Authentication
        3. Privacy
        4. Query Semantics
    4. Information Architecture
      1. Meta-model drives usage patterns
      2. Meta-model controls views within Systems of Engagement (Process)
      3. Manifests the System of Record
      4. Regulatory Compliance
        1. Data Protection
        2. Privacy
        3. Security
        4. Auditing
        5. Compliance Reporting
    5. Enterprise Properties
      1. Polyglot Persistance
      2. Transactions
        1. ACID Properties
      3. Security
      4. Archiving
      5. Redundancy
      6. Disaster Recovery
      7. Scale and Elasticity
      8. Virtualisation
      9. Storage
    6. Entities & Relationships
      1. Customer
      2. Product
      3. Service
      4. Employee
      5. Partner
      6. Regulator
      7. Shareholder
      8. Director
      9. Executive
  5. Business Model Level
    1. S
      1. Strategic
    2. T
      1. Tactical
    3. O
      1. Operational
  6. Business Model Competencies
    1. GA
      1. General Administration
    2. HR
      1. Human Resource
    3. IT
      1. Information Technology
    4. BD
      1. Business Development
    5. OS
      1. Operations Support
    6. OP
      1. Operations
    7. DI
      1. Distribution
    8. MS
      1. Marketing, Sales & Service
  7. Responsible C-Level Executive
    1. CEO
      1. Executive
    2. CFO
      1. Finance
    3. COO
      1. Operations
    4. CMO
      1. Marketing/Sales
    5. CIO
      1. Information
    6. CTO
      1. Technology
    7. CDO
      1. Data
    8. CSO
      1. Strategy
    9. CCO
      1. Channel
    10. CPO
      1. Procurement
    11. CHRO
      1. Human Resources
    12. CRC
      1. Risk,and Compliance
    13. CRDO
      1. Research & Development
    14. CBDO
      1. Business Development
  8. Strategic Business Objectives
    1. Increase Shareholder Value
      1. CSFs
        1. Improve Revenue Through Volume Optimization
        2. Increase Revenue Through Price Optimisation
        3. Reduce Sales & Administration Costs
        4. Reduce Cost of Goods Sold
        5. Reduce Income Taxes
        6. Capital Optimization
    2. Improve Competitiveness
      1. CSFs
        1. Strengthen Innovation
        2. Faster Time-to-Market
        3. Improve Responsiveness
        4. Improve Customer Experience
        5. Improve Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty
        6. Improve Brand Awareness
        7. Improve Partner & Relationship Collaboration
    3. Lower Risk
      1. CSFs
        1. Optimise Intelligence
        2. Optimise Regulation Compliance
        3. Improve Risk Planning
        4. Improve Risk Management
        5. Improve Business Recovery
    4. Increase Operational Effficiency
      1. CSFs
        1. Improve Business Intelligence & Decision Making
        2. Improve Development & Production
        3. Improve Logistics, Material & Services
        4. Improve Corporate Services
        5. Improve Human Capital Management
        6. Improve Capital Management
        7. Improve Data Management
  9. Business Model Imperatives
    1. Facts
      1. Rather than intuition
    2. Agility
    3. Business Intelligence
      1. Foresight
      2. Insight
        1. Hindsight
    4. Innovation